Saturday, June 6, 2009

Inches Away - Chapter Three

“Are you always this clumsy?”

Cathryn looked up and saw a boy about 5’8 with light tan skin, emerald green eyes, and black hair with what most people would call “emo-hair;” it covered parts of his right eye.
“Sorry Blake, I didn’t expect someone to be on the other side of the door,” Cathryn said nervously before receiving her wrist back from Blake’s hand.
“Blake…” Bliss greeted.
“Bliss…” Blake followed.

Blake Quistad was Jacob Quistad’s son. Blake attends McKay High with Cathryn and Bliss. At the diner he helps out around the diner as well. Blake was more like a host really; he greets guests now and then, and drops by at random tables to see how the guests are doing with their meal.
Cathryn could tell there was a little tension between Bliss and Blake.
“I’ll uh…go and uh…yeah,” Cathryn quickly walked in between them and entered the kitchen.

Leaving Blake and Bliss giving each other non-stop death glares. Those two never really liked each other. Cathryn never found out why, or even curious to wonder why Bliss and Blake never got along. She just thought it was one of those weird things that guys just do.

“Back off all right?” Bliss said with a menacing glare, if only looks could kill…
“What? Afraid of some competition…Bliss?” Blake walked past him, hitting his shoulder on the way.

An hour of taking orders, carrying trays, and running around the diner like crazy had passed. By now Bliss already switched to his second job of this part-time job they have. Bliss is a waiter, and partly one of the cook assistants.
Cathryn walked up to a new group of three men at one of the tables. She took out her notepad and pen and sighed before repeating the question for the 100th time practically.
“What can I get you guys?”
“I’ll have the lobster and a Coke,” one of the three said.
“I’ll take the 12oz. T-Bone Steak and Pepsi,” the other man said.
“What I want is not on the menu, miss,” the last one mentioned.

Cathryn looked up from her notepad, where she was writing down the orders, to the man. She noticed him lowering his eyes to her chest. Cathryn rolled her eyes before crossing her arms together. The other two chuckled, knowing what their friend meant. Well guess what, she did too.
“All right, I’ll come back later…I’ll be back with your drinks,” Cathryn walked away from the table. Cocky man-whore…she thought before entering the kitchen.
“God! That was the fifth time already!” Cathryn half-yelled to no one in particular.
“New guy hopefully?” Beth asked, as she was about to walk out of the kitchen with fresh new meals on the tray.
“The guy didn’t use the menu-line did he?” Bliss said from across the kitchen, while cooking.
“Actually he did use that line…God, can’t they AT LEAST think of some other kind of pick-up line?” Cathryn complained before she started to open a Coke and Pepsi can and pour into two different glass cups filled with ice.
“Maybe I should put up a sign that says: Don’t harass the waitresses please,” Blake entered the kitchen and chuckled.
“Well I better get out there…hopefully that cocky b—”
“Ah ah…can’t insult the guests…” Blake said playfully.
“Whatever, hopefully that…man…. has thought of something to ACTUALLY have,” Cathryn said as she carried the two drinks walking towards the double swinging doors.

She was just about to walk through the doors before she felt an arm gently grab her arm and slowly turn her around into one side of the kitchen.
“Blake?” Cathryn asked in confusion, “What is it?”
“Don’t let those type of guys get to you okay?” he said with a serious tone.

From where they were, Bliss couldn’t see them since he was on the other side of the kitchen. Blake’s face was inches away from Cathryn’s. She could have sworn her heart just skipped a beat. She could feel the blood rush to her face.
“Y-yeah okay,” Cathryn stumbled over her words before quickly leaving the kitchen, leaving Blake in that corner that was near the two floppy doors.

Cathryn walked out towards the same table of three men, and placed the drinks in front of the two. She turned towards the cocky man and took out her notepad and pen once more.
“Decided what you like to have yet?”
“Yes, I’ll have…. you tonight,” the cocky man smirked.
“I’m sorry, I’m taken already. Would you like to have something else?” she faked a smile.
“In that case, I’ll order One-Half Golden brown Southern fried Chicken and water,” the cocky man sighed.
“I’ll be right back,” Cathryn left and entered the kitchen once more

Cathryn soon delivered all three meals plus the water back to the table, and continued the routine of taking orders, bringing in food and drinks for another hour. Cathryn and Bliss took their 15-minute break and chilled out at the back of the diner outside. Bliss was leaning against the wall with on foot on the wall and with his arms crossed over his chest. Cathryn was sitting down with her knees close up, and hands arms resting on her knees.
“Tonight sure is packed,” Bliss said.
“Yeah…my arms are getting a bit sore carrying trays of meals and drinks all over the place,” Cathryn muttered as she breathed in the cool night air and looked up at the faded stars.
“Can I ask you a question Bliss?”
“You just did,” I heard him smirk before I smiled. Typical Bliss.
“All right…can I ask you two questions?”
“Why do you and Blake hate each other? You guys are always causing tension…”
“Don’t worry about it. Come on, break’s over,” Bliss said and walked inside while Cathryn just sat there a little longer thinking before heading back into the kitchen.

Finally the clock struck 10 o’ clock and Bliss and Cathryn’s shift was finally over. Cathryn was saying goodbye to the last customer of the night, and walked into the kitchen.
“Well the last person has left, and I locked the front already,” Cathryn said as she was walking to the rack and retrieved her jacket.
“I’ll be ready in a sec, got to finish up cleaning up,” Bliss responded as he was putting away clean plates away.
“I’ll take over from here,” Blake said as he appeared from the storage room.
“Oh thanks…” Bliss handed Blake the clean plates and left the kitchen with Cathryn.

Bliss and Cathryn arrived home about a quarter past 10. She walked into her room and grabbed her pajamas and started walking towards the bathroom for another shower.
“Taking a shower now,” Cathryn’s voice echoed through the hallways as she closed the bathroom door and started her shower.

When she finished her shower she saw Bliss in deep sleep…on her bed…again. Why couldn’t he just have slept on his own bed? Cathryn thought as she threw one of her many identical waitress uniform into the basket that was half full from her previous dirty clothes.
She checked out the digital clock on Bliss’ wrist and noticed it was 10:43pm already. She removed his watch and placed it on her nightstand, and moved Bliss’ body to the left side of her bed, and turned off the light. Cathryn snuggled into her bed on the right side, facing away from the asleep Bliss.

Uniforms: (Cathryn, Bliss, Bliss)-

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