Saturday, June 6, 2009

Inches Away - Chapter Four

Cathryn woke up the next day with something heavy on top of her chest. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed it was actually Bliss’ arm. She instantly felt blood rush to her face; her heartbeat quickened and became wide-awake. Cathryn slowly turned her head to the right and noticed Bliss’ face was just inches away. She could have sworn her heart stopped for a second or two. More blood flushed to her face as her heartbeat quickened once more. Cathryn thought that Bliss would seriously feel her heartbeat since his arm was right over her chest. She slowly lifted his arm and scooted towards the edge of the bed, but Bliss made a sudden movement that made her stop and freeze. His arm moved down her body and tightened around Cathryn’s waist and brought her closer to his body, like he would be holding to a teddy bear or some sort of stuff animal. Cute but no. Cathryn noticed Bliss’ watch on the nightstand facing her direction. 11:43Am. Wow they slept in real late.

Cathryn studied Bliss’ face carefully. He looked so peaceful and adorable when he’s asleep. Then out of nowhere Cathryn remembered how important today was. She nearly pushed Bliss off his side of her bed as she scampered into her closet, and ran back out of the room with a change of clothes; leaving a very confused Bliss on the floor rubbing his head, half-awake.
How could she forget one of her most important days of her life? How could she? Cathryn quickly took a shower, and did all her bathroom activities. She rushed out of the bathroom with her toothbrush in her mouth and her other hand holding a brush that was in her hair. She stumbled past Bliss’ room and saw him only in his boxers since he was changing. Cathryn nearly started choking on the foamy toothpaste in her mouth and quickly ran back towards the bathroom and finished off brushing her hair and teeth. Cathryn ran back into her room and noticed Bliss took his watch, and ran back into his room, barging in.

“Bliss!” Cathryn came in to see a shirtless Bliss sagging his jeans (again), and stumbled over her words.
“Like what you see?” Bliss smirked.
“Wha-No! I mean…ack! What time is it?” Cathryn panicked.
“It’s uh…12:06. Why, what’s the rush? Where are you going? I thought we were going to the movies and hang with Matty today,” Bliss said as he was searching through his room for a clean shirt.
"Sheets! I forgot. Sorry but I forgot I had some plans. Eek! I’m going to be late! I’ll be back as soon as I can!”

Cathryn ran into her room and grabbed her skateboard that said ‘Bite Me’ under it. She stumbled out of the front door wearing:
She threw her skateboard to the ground, and as it rolled forward she jumped on it. She had exactly nine minutes to reach her destination. There were a lot of obstacles like toys and little children on the sidewalk so she took over the road area near the sidewalk so she wouldn’t get run over by passing cars. Four minutes left and Cathryn just reached the street of her destination. Her light brown hair was flying all over the place as she picked up her speed. She nearly knocked into a couple of people along the way to an extremely tall building with countless windows stacking God knows how tall.

“Come on, come on, come on!” Cathryn jumped a little and shook out her arms while rotating her head in a circle, causing cracking noises to fill the elevator that she tripped into a minute ago.

The famous ding noise came, and Cathryn ran while carrying her skateboard in her right hand. There was a set of double doors at the end of a hallway she entered into. She barged into the room and saw at least 15 other teenage girls around her age waiting in the room with a number attached to them. A person behind a table was next to the set of doors, and Cathryn walked over there, trying to calm down her breathing.

“Hi, I’m suppose to be auditioning today…soon,” Cathryn said to the lady.
“You’re name is?” She replied as she placed her hands ready to turn the page in a really thick binder.
“Cathryn Johnson,”
“All right…Johnson…Johnson…Cathryn Johnson…Ah! Here you are,” the lady said and took out the form that I had filled out a couple of months ago, including a picture of myself, “here’s your number. Please wait with the others until your number is called.”
“Thank you.”

Cathryn took a sticker with the number 54 and placed it on her right arm. She felt through her pants and felt a lump in one of the side pockets. She dug in there and found it was her cell phone. Cathryn took out The Most Crappiest Cell Phone in the World.

I looked at the faded screen, and noticed it was 12:11pm. She made it just in time; she had another four minutes to kill. Cathryn took a look at her competition. She saw some teens that looked completely experienced, and some that…well lets just say they probably go shopping for mirrors or glass material all the time.

Cathryn dug through her bag and pulled out the flyer. The piece of paper that she planned on making it become a dream to a reality. It was a competition for female teens around 15-19 to compete against one another to be the chosen one who get to enter the entertainment world in singing and have their own debut album.
She started to warm up herself, and when 12:15pm struck, a lady who looked liked she was in her early thirties came out of another set of double doors with a clipboard in her hand.

“Will no. 54 please come in?” she asked and walked back into the room, leaving the door open for the next contestant.

Cathryn took a few deep breaths before she started to walk into the room, where there were three judges behind a desk on the other side of the room from where the doors were. There were two men, and one woman. They were sitting by the large windows, which went from the ceiling to the floor, where there was a wonderful view of the city.

“Cathryn Johnson am I right?” one of the two men spoke from the middle of the table.
“Yes,” Cathryn answered.
“No need to be nervous. Relax,” the woman smiled softly, Cathryn returned with a weak smile.
“So what will you be singing to us?” the other man finally asked.
“Hanging On by Cheyenne Kimball. I’ll be singing just the chorus of it,” Cathryn replied as the one of the judges nodded their head for her to start.

Cathryn took a few deep breathes before singing. Although she started out a bit too soft, in the end she was singing loudly.

“I'm hanging on today
And nothing's gonna stop me, anyway
I'm holding on, I'm strong
I'm the only one who can make it change
I don't wanna fight
I gotta live my life
I'm gonna make it right
I'm hanging on and nothing's gonna stop me, anyway…”

Cathryn didn’t realize till the end that she closed her eyes for a couple of seconds to finish off the last few notes and lyrics of the song. She opened my eyes to see two amused judges, and one judge that looked confused or of some sort.

“Um, I’m done singing…” Cathryn hesitated.

A couple of seconds later the two stunned judges jumped out of their seats and started clapping their hearts out. One of the chairs actually fell right over, causing a clashing noise as the chair made contact with the wooden floor.

“Wonderful singing darling!” The woman cried out.
“Excellent vocals you have,” the other complemented.
“Thank you very much,” Cathryn bowed a little with a stronger smile than before.
“I am utterly confused,” the only judge who was still sitting down in his seat finally spoke out.
“What are you saying Jim?! The girl has magnificent talent! Outstanding vocals! A beautiful gift! What more do you need to understand?!” the woman asked frantically.
“It says you have never taken part in anything to do with music, not even any music lessons. You even mention here you have no experience whatsoever. So how is it you are so great at singing?” the judge, called Jim, asked.

And all along Cathryn just thought Jim didn’t like her singing…gosh can you say heart attack or Simon Cowell?

“Um…I was born with it? I’m not sure…heh…” Cathryn answered.
“Well in ANY case! You’re in! We’ll see in the second round,” the other male judge said.
“You’ll get a call sometime next week for more information,” the woman smiled.
“Thank you so much!!” Cathryn screamed out before hugging the judges.
“No problem dear,” Jim smiled before letting go of Cathryn.

Cathryn grabbed her skateboard as she slammed the door open filled with glee. She did a little dance before jumping in the air with a “WHOO-HOO!”

“So what are you doing here?”

Cathryn stopped in a mid-move. Her eyes widened as blood rushed out of her face, causing her to look pale.

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