Saturday, June 6, 2009

Inches Away - Chapter Five

Cathryn stopped in a mid-move. Her eyes widened as blood rushed out of her face, causing her to look pale. She slowly turned around to see a girl about her age, standing at 5’9, wearing THE shortest pink mini skirt ever created. She stood a couple of yards away with a hand on her hip and another carrying THE smallest handbag. Becca Michaelson: Second most popular student at McKay High, right after Bliss. Becca had short sandy blond hair with even more blond highlights. Her face contained blue/green eyes and a small nose that was covered with fair smooth skin. g

“Hello! I’m talking to you bitch,” Becca snapped.
“Ya know…a bitch is a female dog, dogs bark, and barks come from trees. Trees are a part of nature, and nature is beautiful. So thanks for the compliment,” Cathryn sent out a fake smile.
“You got that from an icon,”
“Whatever, spill!”
“I don’t have to tell you anything except for the fact that I’m—”


She turned around and saw Blake standing there with a messenger bag. He was wearing baggy dark blue jeans with an un-tucked long sleeve button up shirt that was folded at the elbows. It had a nice light blue stripe pattern.

“Hello hottie…” Becca mutters under her breath.
“Blake…what are you doing here?” Cathryn was confused as to why he would be here.
“Did you forget? We were going to hang out today,” Blake said with a hint of ‘I’m helping you get away from her’ in his tone, he lifted his eyebrows up for a better effect for the “misunderstanding.”
“Oh right…yeah. Uh let’s go!” she quickly grabbed Blake’s hand and fast walked out of the hallway and into the elevator, leaving a very dazed Becca Michaelson.

“Oh my God, thank you SO much Blake!” Cathryn slumped to the floor holding her skateboard as she stared up at the lights in the elevator.
“No problem,” Blake answered.

Couple of seconds later there was a ‘ding’ coming from the numbers above the doors to the elevator.
“Well see you at work!” Cathryn hurried out of the doors but felt her wrist get caught by Blake’s hand.
“Uh uh uh. Not so fast little missy. You’ve got some confessing to do,” Blake smirked.
“It was nothing. I was just uh visiting…” Cathryn waited for Blake to let go of her wrist, but he never did.
“Bull shyt" Blake replied.
“You’re bull sheeting me?” Cathryn raised her eyebrows this time.
“Yes I am,” Blake said.
“Believe whatever you want then…” Cathryn motions her other hand like she was “shooing” away a fly, but towards Blake.
“I’ll find out sooner or later,” Blake smirked again.
“We’ll see,” Cathryn smirked back.
“Come on just tell me,” Blake whined.
“Nuh uh!”

After a few more minutes like that, Blake realized Cathryn wasn’t about to tell him at that moment, or any time soon either and finally let it go.
“Fine fine, you win!” Blake said.
“Oh yeah!”
“Come on let’s go,” Blake grabbed hold of Cathryn’s hand this time and started walking in a random direction when they walked out of the building.
“What? Where to?”
“We are going to hang out today, aren’t we?” Blake looked back at her then back at what’s in front of him.
“Actually… I was going to hang with Bliss today,”
“Bliss?” Blake’s voice had a hint of annoyance but Cathryn didn’t hear it, thankfully.
“Err and Matty,” Cathryn said after she noticed that Blake stopped walking and turned to look at her.
“Oh. Hey, mind if I tag along then?” Blake asked. I’m not going to let Bliss win…not again.
“Sure, I don’t think they would mind.”

Cathryn started to skateboard slowly as Blake walked alongside with her. Their conversation steered towards the topic of summer unfortunately coming to an end. To be honest, the moment when Blake held onto Cathryn was when her own green eyes entranced him deeply. Blake couldn’t bring out the confidence in him to tell Cathryn the feelings he has for her. Not yet. Why couldn’t he just gather up some courage and tell her? Was it because every time she was nearby he would get nervous? Or was it because he thought she might be falling for Bliss?

“Blake? Hello?” Cathryn already stopped skateboarding and was waving a hand in front of Blake’s emerald green eyes.
“What?” Blake snapped back to reality when he, once again, fell into a trance by Cathryn’s scent coming off of her as she skated.
“Were you listening what I was saying or did you doze off completely?” Cathryn started to skateboard slowly once more.
“Uuh Bliss, Matty, hang out. Um, school coming up, Becca, drama,” Blake attempted to remember the last topics they were talking about before he lost track.
“That was like five minutes ago but close enough,” Cathryn shrugged off and continued their conversation as Blake secretly let out a sigh of relief.
“So…are you going to tell me why you were at that place anytime soon?” Blake asked.
“How is that related to Becca and her barbies?” Cathryn looked at Blake for a moment before looking forward again.
“Exactly…and no.”

A little while later they finally entered the neighborhood, and on the street Cathryn lived on. She searched through her messenger bag and took out her key and slid it into the keyhole. When the two of us walked in they heard a radio blasting loud music down a hallway.
“Bliss! I’m home,” Cathryn yelled as she shut the door when Blake followed.
“You know, even now I keep forgetting that you two still live together,” Blake said.
“After three years?” Cathryn looked at him with a amused face.
‘Even after three years of never-forgetting…knowing that you lived with Bliss…’ Blake thought.
She threw her bag onto the couch as they heard bare feet making contact with the wooden floor.
“Finally you’re back! I called Matty earlier and she said to meet…” Bliss paused when he saw Blake standing beside Cathryn, “at the park…what’s he doing here?”
“Oh uh, Blake is going to hang out with us. Is that okay?” Cathryn asked with a pouty look.
“Yeah sure that’s…fine,” Bliss said as he slowly turned around and walked back into his room to get ready.
There was a moment of silence between the two, and even more silence when Bliss turned off his radio in his room.
“Awkward turtle,” Cathryn started to motion the ‘awkward turtle’ with her hands and fingers while they shared a laugh, “want anything to drink?”
“Oh uh sure. Water?” Blake finally spoke.

The two walked into the kitchen and Cathryn got a clean cup. She filled it up with water and handed it to Blake. Their fingers brushed and—BAM! What bad timing. Bliss comes right in and saw it. The second Cathryn saw Bliss standing at the entrance of the kitchen she quickly gave Blake his water and drew back her hand. There was a moment of silence.
“Awkward turtle,” Cathryn motioned her hands and formed the ‘awkward turtle’ once more, trying to see if the “awkward turtle” motion would break the ice like it did a few seconds ago.
“Um yeah…park, Matty, now,” Bliss stumbled over his words but Cathryn and Blake understood what he meant.

Bliss walked ahead of the two. He had his hands shoved into his hands and was walking quite quickly. Did she do something wrong? Why was Bliss starting to act so weird all of a sudden? Cathryn was a bit worried but soon shrugged that off her mind as they finally reached the park a couple of minutes later.

“Cathryn!” a voice called out.

Cathryn saw a girl of 5’8 with short but bright red hair with pale skin jumping off the swing and running over. Up close you could see her brown/green eyes.
“Matty!” Cathryn ran the rest of the way and they hugged each other tightly.
“Dude we haven’t hung out in forever!” she exclaimed.
“True to that,” Cathryn replied and they shared a laugh.
“Hey Matty,” Blake said.
“Oh hey Blake. How’s the diner going?” Matty asked.
“It’s going great,” Blake answered.
“Yo Bliss,”
“Sup Matty,” Bliss gave one of those guy-nods.

“Is something bothering Bliss?” Matty whispered to Cathryn as they were skipping towards the swing sets with their arms linked together.
“Apparently so…Bliss! Blake! Hurry it up will ya?” Cathryn yelled the last part as she looked behind her.

The girls reached the swing sets and started to swing their legs to get higher. While the boys were taking their time walking…and oddly close to each other.
“What’s the real reason you came?” Bliss asked with a dark tone.
“Why…to catch up with the three of you of course!” Blake pretended to sound offended.
“Bull crap" Bliss snapped.
“Afraid of some competition?” Blake repeated his question from the last time they met.

Before Bliss could answer Blake ran ahead and acted like the conversation between them never took place. He noticed Blake slowing down his pace and stopped behind Cathryn and started pushing her on her swing. ‘What competition?’ Bliss thought as he ran the rest of the way to them.

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