Saturday, June 6, 2009

Inches Away - Chapter One

Sixteen-year-old Cathryn Johnson was about 55feet high on the diving board. Her light brown hair blew against her as a small breeze decided to drop by. She shivered as it hit her light tan skin while droplets of water fell down her body when she got out of the pool just a minute ago. Cathryn sees a boy with black hair with a nice light tan basically isolated from the other people who were swimming around the rectangle-shaped pool.

“Hurry it up will ya?” The boy called out from the pool, 55feet below her.

Cathryn looked down at the deep end before walking over to the edge of the diving board. She took a deep breath, and started to make the board bounce up and down. She jumped once before she was in mid-air. Cathryn made a complete flip before hitting the water. Her skin tingled from the sudden coldness of the blue-colored liquid surrounding her. A couple of seconds of being underwater, she finally reached the surface of the water and came up for fresh air.
Cathryn wiped her face from her drenched hair and from water. She looked around before she spotted the isolated boy not too far away from, waving at her to come over. She swam over to him as he raised his arm above the water. Cathryn noticed and finished the other half of a high-five.

“Nice flip back there,” he gave her a smile that showed his perfect white, and straight teeth.
“Why thank you Bliss. Now why don’t you go up there,” Cathryn said.
“All right I will. But if I can do more than one flip, you’re paying for tonight’s dinner,” Bliss grinned as he started to swim to the side of the pool.
“Okay fine, deal. But you can’t pick out a fancy dish!” she yelled back.

Cathryn watched as seventeen-year-old Bliss lift his fit body out of the side of the pool. A huge amount of water splashed onto the cement ground as he left a trail of wet footprints and random droplets behind him.
Little children were heard on the other side of the pool where it was shallow. Moms and Dads were in the pool with the water at their waist area as they held their kids above the surface. On the side, some children were located next to their towels with their parents putting on layers of sunscreen so they wouldn’t get burned. Floaters were attached to their arms and around their waist. Cathryn giggled as she spots one of the kids getting huge amount of sunscreen plastered all over his body. From far away, you’d think he was a solid ghost…or a male version of Snow White…whichever is easier for you to imagine.
There was a single lifeguard in the shade from a tree on the other side of the fence that was bordering the YMCA. The guy looked like he was in his early twenties, with his shades on with a whistle around his neck. Now and then he’d stretch his arms and check out the time, adjusting the floaty across his lap. Probably wondering how much longer he had to deal with watching people swim.
Cathryn looked up as she saw Bliss stepping on the last step before he reached the very top. He scanned the pool and saw Cathryn and waved. Cathryn waved back in response.

“Come on Bliss! Show me what you got!” Cathryn yelled out as she moved her arms and legs in a circular motion; keeping at least her head out of the water.

Bliss took a couple more deep breaths, and he too started to make the diving board bounce up and down. He bounced once. Twice. Bliss was finally in mid-air. One flip. Two flips. Splash.

“Crap…” Cathryn muttered.

About half minute Bliss was swimming next to Cathryn.

“You’re paying for dinner,” Bliss gave her another grin.
“Yeah, yeah…” Cathryn said before she splashed him in the face and swam for the side of the pool where the ladder was hidden underwater.

Cathryn lifted herself up the ladder wearing a black, soaked Hawaiian bikini with black shorts over the bottom of her bikini, pressed against her skin. She turns around and sees Bliss with his six pac, drenched with a large amount of water splashing down from his Buzz Lightyears trunks. Bliss’ short, black and [now] flat hair looked even blacker [somehow] when it’s damp. It was pressed against his forehead, covering parts of his left eye, dripping with water down his cheeks… His piercing ice blue eyes bore into her own green eyes. Cathryn noticed that Bliss was three inches taller, causing him to be 5’9. They lay down on their backs as they put on their shades to cover their eyes from the blazing sun; resting.
Why, you may ask, that they aren’t at a beach instead? Well maybe that’s because they live in good ole’ Tennessee. No ocean view, but at least they had the YMCA and swimming pools at random people’s houses.

It was almost the end of the summer. School would be starting in just about three weeks or so. This year Cathryn and Bliss would be juniors at McKay High School.

They rested on their towels for a few more minutes before deciding that they should head back home. Cathryn grabbed her bag and placed her shirt and shades in there while just putting on her jean shorts. Bliss just grabbed his towel before following Cathryn, exiting the YMCA.
The two best friends walked side by side on the sidewalk as the sun beamed on them constantly. They soon entered a nice looking neighborhood. A neighborhood where everyone knew each other like the back of their hand. Like family. The two of them walked into a white-peach color, one-story house.
Noticed they didn’t go their separate ways? Well maybe that’s because Cathryn and Bliss live together, under the same roof since freshman year.

Cathryn and Bliss were childhood friends, and still are even after ten years. They met at the typical sandbox at the typical park a block or so away. They knew at that moment they were going to get along just fine, and be friends for a very long time. You could call them what others would usually say: “bff.” Although Cathryn never bothered, even now, why Bliss received the name ‘Bliss.’ She was always curious about the story behind it all. At first she thought it was an odd name, but soon thought it was a cool name, and soon moved that to the back of her mind.

Their parents trusted one another with their own lives and were best friends with one another. So continuously they’d have each other baby-sit the two when they were younger; that is until ten years ago when it all come about. Ten years ago, when Cathryn and Bliss were six and seven, both of Cathryn’s parents and Bliss’ mother died in a car crash from a storm when they went to visit a college friend. It was hailing really hard, but by the time they saw the car on the other side of the road heading towards them…it was too late. Bliss’ father was sick that weekend, plus someone had to watch the kids. When Sam, Bliss’ father, found out it was up to him to take care of the two and that was when Cathryn moved in with Bliss and Sam.
Just two years ago, when the two grown to teens and were entering high school, Sam died from cancer. But before he died, he muttered his last sentence to his crying son, who was standing by his deathbed. “Take care of Cathryn for all of us,” Sam said with his last breath.
Why not live with relatives? The only relatives Bliss has are his grandparents in Florida. The only problem is the two can’t afford another person to live in their apartment. Cathryn’s mother was in only child, and her father only had one sister. Cathryn’s aunt lives out in California with her husband and two kids. The thing is her aunt wants nothing to do with her. Why? Probably because Emily [most of the time known as Emma], Cathryn’s mother, got pregnant in college. Hey, at least Emma didn’t get pregnant in high school. Of course it was with Jake, Cathryn’s father. But at least her aunt would send money every two to three or so months. So you see, Bliss and Cathryn only have each other for support.

“I’m going to go take a bath,” Cathryn spoke before she started to walk down a hallway.
“I’ll be in the kitchen,” Bliss said and walked down the hallway ahead of him.
“Figures…” she mumbled.
“What?” Bliss poked his head out of the fridge.
“Nothing!” Cathryn spoke and walked away quickly.

Cathryn walks towards a room at the end of the hallway and enters a blue and green colored room.
Two walls across from each other were green, and the other two across from one another were blue. All four walls had at least two posters and a few framed pictures of family and friends. There was a normal-size bed on the furthest side against the wall from the door. No computers were in the room, but there was a single window on one side of the room. Cathryn peaked out and noticed the neighbor next door was in her room dancing with her iPod in her hand.
That would be Matty Thomas, Cathryn and Bliss’ best friend since fourth grade. She could see Matty’s red-like, short hair falling up and down from her bobbing head. Cathryn smiled before grabbing her outfit, and walked out towards the hallway once more. After walking down another hallway, and passed the living room with a laid-back Bliss, she entered the only bathroom in the house.

Cathryn started to undress herself as the bathtub started to fill up with cool water. Bubbles were forming on top. Ah a bubble bath. She put her hair up in a high bun before slowly sliding in. She sighed and relaxed while she could before the chaos comes back.

This is what their swimsuits looked like:

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