Saturday, June 6, 2009

Inches Away - Chapter Six

That day at the park was pretty interesting. After the girls, being pushed by the boys, were on the swing sets for a while, they moved on to the slides. Sure it was a kiddish thing for teens to still be on the playground but hey, it was still fun! They all headed back to Matty’s house and watched a movie instead of going to the movies. Oddly, NOT, Cathryn sat in between Blake and Bliss, leaving Matty sitting on the single-seated couch. Blake just so happened to choose a scary movie, When A Stranger Calls.

“You know…this isn’t really scary,” Cathryn commented as the main girl panics because the kids were now missing.
“Oh really…then why can’t I feel my left arm anymore?” Blake smirked as Cathryn looked down and Bliss leaned forward to see what he had meant.

Right there you could see Cathryn’s legs tucked close to her body and her arms cutting off Blake’s left arm’s circulation since her arms were wrapping around his so tightly. Cathryn could just feel Bliss’ stare on her as the blood was rushing towards her cheeks quickly. She didn’t notice when or how her arms got there. Neither did she know how her body was turned and leaning on Blake’s body. Her knees were on the side of his left leg, and she was practically resting her head on his shoulder. She unwrapped her arms around Blake’s arm and slowly turned her body until she wasn’t leaning on him any longer. When did she start leaning on Blake? Cathryn had no idea.

“Err…yeah it's not scary just…surprising,” Cathryn spoke quietly, embarrassed about what happened.

As that little moment ended, Bliss’ mind was trying to let all that sink in. Blake was already making his move on Cathryn and he knew it. A flow of jealousy passed through him and the hand on his leg gripped tightly into a fist, but slowly let go, causing half moon marks on his palm as Bliss decided to admit defeat this time.
“Well, that was an…interesting movie. I don’t even know why I have it,” Matty sighed as the credits were starting to show.
“That must have hurt like a bitch though! Getting nailed down by getting stabbed like that,” Blake shivered as he held his own hand.
“And what about the hair pulling? Can you say ‘ouch’?” Cathryn said as she picked up a pillow that fell off.
“Stalk much?” Bliss stretched his arms and legs.

It was just about four o’ clock now with the sun still bright outside. As half an hour had past since the movie ended, the group tried to find something to do for the rest of their stay at Matty’s.
“Park?” Matty suggested.
“We were there a couple of hours ago. Another movie?” Cathryn asked.
“Nah, how about some kind of card game?” Bliss replied then asked.
“Don’t have cards, sorry. Some kind of game?” Matty spoke.
“How about spin the bottle?” Blake winked at the girls.
“Ha ha no,” Bliss said.
“Oh why not? It’d be hot to see two guys kiss,” Cathryn laughed.
“Or two girls kiss,” Blake smirked.
“All right fine,” Matty confidently said.
“Seriously? You two wouldn’t mind kissing?” the guys raised their eyebrows.
“Pssh no. So are we going to play spin the bottle or some other game?” Cathryn folded her arms and tested the guys as she moved over to the floor across from where Matty was.
“Why not?” Bliss replied.
“Great! I’ll go get a water bottle or something,” Matty got up and ran into the kitchen.

This was a great opportunity for Bliss to kiss Cathryn…or Matty and Blake. ‘Oh gag…gross,’ Bliss thought. He cleared that out of his head before Matty came back with an empty Coca-Cola glass bottle. Classic bottle for this game…
“Who wants to go first?” Cathryn asked.
“Wait we got to set some rules. 1) No matter who it is, ya got to kiss! And 2) the kiss must last at least 10 seconds. Got it? Good. Done!” Matty said the last part quickly before anybody could object.
“I guess I’ll go first,” Blake placed his hand on the cold bottle and spun it quickly as they moved into a circle formation.

The glass bottle increased its speed before it started to decrease as seconds rushed by. Deep down Cathryn’s heart was beating as quickly as the number of spins the bottle was creating. Maybe from nervousness? From the fact that she had 1/3 chance of getting kissed by Blake Quistad? She didn’t like him more than a friend, but sometimes Blake can just be really hard to not drool over. Maybe that’s not a clear way to explain what Cathryn felt for Blake…but what she felt for him could possibly be more than a friend, but not exactly a crush either. The bottle was rotating very slowly now. It slowly past by the person who started it (Blake)and slowly passed Matty.

It barely flew by Bliss and he let out an air of relief. The bottle landed right in front of Cathryn Johnson. Her face instantly felt the rush of blood rushing into her cheeks. Her hands started to get a bit sweaty as the nervousness took control of her whole body and mind.
“Blake and Cathryn! You guys got to kiss now,” Matty said as Blake slowly leaned to his left since that’s where Cathryn sat in their four-person circle.

Cathryn saw Blake’s face getting closer and closer to her face. As their faces got closer, their eyes slowly shut. She felt Blake’s lips make contact with her own and there was a shock of electricity going throughout her body and there was a bright light that Cathryn thought she had imagined in her head. To be honest, this was actually Cathryn’s first kiss. She obviously didn’t really know what to do when you kiss someone, so she did what she only knew. Kiss back and hope for the best.

Bliss felt jealousy and sadness hit him like a stab to the heart. He stared at the side of Blake and Cathryn’s heads as the 10 seconds started. Bliss really wanted to be the first guy to kiss her. Yes, he knew about Cathryn’s first kiss thing. There was nothing Cathryn didn’t tell him. Once again Blake won.
“Time you two!” Matty said.
Bliss felt a wave a relief as their faces separated from each other’s.
“Was that really 10 seconds? I think you counted wrong,” Blake grinned like a little boy who just got candy as he stared into Cathryn’s green eyes, “so…did you feel that?”

Bliss looked at Blake with wide eyes. ‘Oh no…’ Please tell him that they hadn’t felt a connection between them?! That would truly be Bliss’ worst nightmare coming true.
“Um I…better go now,” Cathryn stumbled over her words before she moved around Blake and spun the bottle.
Cathryn saw Matty giving her the face. This meant that sooner or later she would need to explain things. Well Cathryn chose…later! The same procedure repeated as the bottle started to slow its pace down. Then after completing one more turn it laid motionless.

“Haha oh wow,” Cathryn said with an amused expression.
“Now it’s getting interesting,” Blake rubbed his hands together.
“All right lets get it on!” Matty laughed.
“This is going to be good,” Bliss smirked.

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