A week had past since that day they hung at Matty’s place. Cathryn was staring at her ceiling ever since she had woken up that Wednesday. She stayed in her black basketball shorts and her red tank top. Each moment she was with Bliss it always became awkward.
Speaking of Bliss...
He knocked a couple of times on her closed door before walking in and walked a couple of steps in.
“What’s up?”
“Matty’s coming over in a second. We’re going to buy some school supplies. Coming?”
“Sure...” Cathryn stood up as Bliss walked out.
She got off her butt for the first time that day and switched her tank top with a white colored cami, and put on a grey shirt that has turquoise, green, blue hearts spread all over it. It came with a hood in the back, and has the top front of the cami showing. To finish it off she took out her black flip flops and kept her hair in a high messy bun.
“Cathryn!” Cathryn snapped back to reality and bumped into someone’s back and fell onto the ground, landing on her butt.
“Ow…Oh! Sorry Bliss,” she looks up to see Bliss’ head looking behind him at her with the cart in front of him. He sighs before turning around completely and helped Cathryn back up.
“Wow, you’re more of a klutz than I thought you were,” a familiar high-pitched voice said.
Cathryn and Bliss looked behind them to see Becca Michaelson once more before the school year started, and along with her three other so called “friends”…in other words: followers, tag-alongs, people who are just being nice so they get to be part of the fame. Ah…Rebecca Steiner: 17, blond hair, brown eyes, high cheekbones, with pale skin, and standing at 5’6. She’s the bubbliest one of them all. Taryn Armstrong: soon to be 17, curly brown hair, dark blue eyes, with tan skin along with freckles, standing at 5’8. She’s the smartest and most sarcastic of them all. But she’s also the easiest to get along with out of the mob. Then there’s Lisa Cole: Soon to be 17, dirty blond hair, big green/gray eyes, with nice skin. Now Lisa has the most random sense of humor you’ll ever meet.
Each of them had some sort of slut-looking outfit…Cathryn was surprised their parents actually let them out in public dressed like…like…sluts. Gross how can they actually feel comfortable with guys undressing them with their eyes?? Oh right because they’re sluts. But seriously, it may be the summer time but you can’t wear mini skirts that are that…small….and short…and blinding…
“Oh dear God…I think my eyes have been scarred for life,” Matty cursed.
“Yours…AND mine,” Bliss shivered.
“Oh psh, you’re just jealous of my awesome skills,” Cathryn said back.
“Skills of being a klutz? Yeah right,” Lisa spoke.
“Better than having the skills of being a whore…” Matty mumbled.
“Haha right on Matty!” Bliss high five her while the popular group of McKay High stood there, unaware of Matty’s comment.
“In ANY case, if you’ll excuse us we got some shopping to do,” Cathryn grabbed Bliss’ arm as he pushed the cart filled with notebooks, pencils, three calculators, and random objects that weren’t exactly necessary.
“You two are excused, but Bliss…I don’t think so,” Becca spoke.
Matty stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around.
“What did you say?” she tested them.
“You two are excused,” Rebecca, repeated what Becca said.
“But Bliss isn’t,” Taryn backed them up.
“Ya know what? I’m tired of you two bitching at us!” Matty started making her way towards them but was soon stopped by Cathryn.
“Matty…” Cathryn warned.
“Cathryn…” Matty whined.
“What did we talk about?” Cathryn had a motherly-tone.
“Don’t cuss, don’t pick up any fights, don’t sink to their level, and don’t even bother,” Matty repeated the rules that had came out of her mouth countless times in the past three years since high school started.
“Exactly so scoot your tooshy that way,” Cathryn turned Matty around and guided her forward.
“Do you always listen to Cathryn?” Becca snarled.
The girls stopped in their tracks and only Cathryn turned back around to face them.
“You know what Becca? Why don’t you just take what’s coming out of your mouth and shove it up your—”
“OKAY! Becca. Rebecca. Lisa. Taryn. Bye. Cathryn…come on,” Bliss held her in one arm and covered her mouth with the other.
Matty started gripping the handles to the cart real hard as her ears fumed. Well not really, but if she was in Harry Potter 3, eating that piece of candy that Harry ate…steam would be coming out. Bliss didn’t let her go till they walked into a new hallway of the shop.
“You want to explain anything?” Bliss asked.
“About those female dogs who seriously want to murder me in my sleep?” Cathryn muttered out.
“I mean why you’ve been so distant lately. You’ve been in your daydreaming state since that night at Matty’s,” he spoke as Matty walked ahead when she spotted some binders that she needed.
“I just got a lot on my mind, that’s all,” Cathryn replied as she walked on ahead as well and joined Matty.
What was on Cathryn’s mind were the two kisses she had with Bliss and Blake. She’s been trying to avoid them the whole time until now. Sure she can avoid Blake, but Bliss…there was no way around considering the fact that she LIVES with the guy. Cathryn zoned out, for the third time since she left the house this morning, as she thought about what Bliss said to her in the hallway.
“Um Cathryn can I talk to you in the hallway for a second?” Bliss asked as he pointed to a random hallway nearby.
“Huh? Oh yeah uh sure,” Cathryn slowly got up with a dazed look and followed Bliss.
They walked off into an unlit hallway and Bliss stopped with a sigh before turning around to face Cathryn. They stared into each other’s eyes for God knows how long until Bliss finally broke the silent war their eyes were causing.
“Did you feel anything when we kissed?” Bliss nervously asked.
Cathryn hesitated before she slowly started to nod her head.
“Yeah, I did. It was a like…”
“A jolt of electricity flowing throughout your body while your mind went blank,” Bliss finished.
“Exactly,” Cathryn noticed she was staring at the ground, but finally looked up to see Bliss’ face only inches away.
Bliss started to lean down towards Cathryn, and just when they were about to kiss, Blake decided to cut in with a “Hurry up you two! We don’t have all decade!”
A sigh came out of Bliss’ lips as they walked back out to the living room where Matty and Blake was.
*End Flashback*
Cathryn snapped back from the memory as she saw some snapping fingers in front of her face. She jumped a little before turning around to see Matty giving her a strange “Are you okay?” expression. She nodded before they started to finish off their school supply shopping.
That night, the God or Dreamer dude or whoever gives dreams to people, decided to drop by Cathryn’s room. Her dream had her tossing and turning all over. And most of all, it had her entirely confused even more than ever before if that was even possible..
Cathryn was running as fast as she could from something that was chasing her, not knowing what it was, until she saw the diner. She ran through the diner looking for anyone that was there. No one was found. She ran into the kitchen and bumped into something while she felt someone grab her wrists. Cathryn looked up and saw two emerald greens eyes.
‘Blake!’ Cathryn half-yelled.
‘Cathryn, there’s something I must tell you,’ he spoke, ‘I— ’
‘Cathryn! Where have—what is he doing here?’ Bliss walked over to them and saw how Blake was holding on to Cathryn.
‘This is important, so if you could just go back to where you came from…’ Blake said.
There was a hint of anger in his voice, and Cathryn noticed it. She looked up at Blake, then at Bliss, and back at Blake.
‘Look guys, I uh…got to get going so—’ Blake who decided to plant a deep kiss onto her lips interrupted Cathryn.
A bright light flashed in her mind as she opened her eyes to see that she was no longer at the diner, but at the YMCA. Cathryn made a 360-degree turn before she advanced forward looking around for any sign of anyone being here. Where did Blake and Bliss go?
‘Cathryn!’ Cathryn turned around to see Bliss standing a few feet away.
‘Bliss? Where’d you go?’ Cathryn asked as she closed their distance between them.
‘What do you mean? I didn’t go anywhere. Whatever, in any case there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for so long,’ Bliss paused before continuing, ‘Ever since—’
‘Bliss, get away from her,’ Blake’s voice stopped Bliss, causing him to turn around to find Blake standing there.
‘You guys, what’s going on? You bo—’ Cathryn wanted to clear things up but couldn’t.
‘There’s no time to explain. But just remember Cathryn, I will always be there for you,’ Bliss crashed his lips down onto her own before another bright light flashed.
[[End Dream]]
Cathryn jolted up, waking up from her alarm clock that was playing “Love Like This” by Natasha Bedingfield featuring Sean Kingston. What kind of dream was that? Kissing both Blake and Bliss? The blinding light flashes? This did NOT help Cathryn’s situation whatsoever.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Inches Away - Chapter Seven
“All right lets get it on!” Matty laughed.
“This is going to be good,” Bliss smirked.
Cathryn started leaning towards Matty’s face. Yes Matty’s, rules are rules. The two girl’s faces grew closer and closer until the doorbell rung.
“Huh? Who could that be?” Blake asked.
“Pizza’s here!” Matty opened her eyes and got up quickly.
“We didn’t order any though,” Cathryn spoke surprised.
“Duh I ordered some when I was getting a bottle,” Matty stuck out her tongue with a wink as she held some bills in her hands and answered the door.
“Man…and it was just starting to get good,” Bliss joked.
“You wish,” Cathryn, laughed.
“Well you guys will kiss when Matty gets back with the food,” Blake pointed out.
“Crap. Well that’s not now, and wont be till we finish off eating,” Cathryn spoke.
“I got the pizzas!” Matty’s voice yelled, followed by a loud slam from the door.
“What kinds did you get?” Bliss asked.
“Combo and cheese,” Matty dropped the pizzas onto the floor and reconnected the circle after getting some napkins and plates.
Blake and Bliss each grabbed two slices at once. Cathryn seriously couldn’t understand why guys couldn’t just take their time? There were plenty of slices to go around…and around.
As they were eating, Cathryn could feel someone’s stare bore into her as she munched into her combo pizza. Who could be staring at her? Would it be Blake because of their kiss? Cathryn looked up to see striking blue eyes that were slightly covered in black hair before it averted and cast its glance downward. Bliss? Why would Bliss be staring at her? She moved her eyes around the room, and passed a red head that belonged to Matty’s as her green eyes continued on. She stopped at a head that had smooth black hair, but underneath it contained a pair of emerald green eyes. Cathryn was surprised as she noticed that Blake was already staring back at her. Her eyes quickly glanced down at her plastic cup filled with Coke.
After about half an hour of talking about nonsense and random topics, Blake mentioned that they should get back to the game.
“Oh come on Blake, let’s stop,” Cathryn said.
“No way, if we are going to stop, it’d be after you and Matty kiss, and after the other two take their turns,” Blake clapped his hands and rubbed them together with a grin glued to his face.
“Oh all right, all right…” Cathryn turned and looked at Matty.
Matty’s face got closer to Cathryn’s. Slowly their eyes closed and soon their lips made contact. Cathryn could hear the guys cheering and clapping their hands. To be honest, kissing a girl who just so happens to be your best friend felt very weird. When time was up Cathryn departed from Matty, and looked at the boys. The boys were grinning like wild.
“All right, Matty hurry up and spin that bottle!” Cathryn said as Matty leaned forward and spun it.
The Coca-cola bottle made some ‘whoosh’ sounds as the pace quickened. Then it started to slow down. Around and around it went for the third time that night. The bottle finally stopped and landed on Blake.
“Well, well, well…tonight is your lucky night Matty,” Blake smirked and leaned forward.
“You wish,” Matty said before they started kissing.
Cathryn felt a small hint of jealousy inside of her. She didn’t know why she did. Was she starting to like Blake because of their kiss? Because of their little spark they shared?
Cathryn felt a slight poke on her side and she giggled.
“So uh Cathryn…what’s up?” Bliss smiled as Cathryn laughed a little.
“Oh nothing much…just watching these weird people making out. That’s all, you?” Cathryn replied.
“Oh same here,” Bliss said before their faces departed.
“All right since Bliss is the only one left, he spins,” Matty said.
“Okay…here I go,” Bliss spun the bottle for the last time for tonight.
To tell you the truth, Bliss has been waiting for it to be his turn ever since the game started. Bliss wants the bottle to land on Cathryn…but hey what are the odds? He only had 1 out of 3 chances for the bottle to land on her. He’ll just have to hope for the best.
The bottle slowed down and slowly past Blake…past Matty…and it landed back on the spinner himself.
“What? I can’t kiss myself…” Bliss muttered.
“Spin it again, it doesn’t count,” Cathryn said.
Okay so the first time for Bliss wasn’t so good. At least it didn’t land on Blake. But secretly, Cathryn’s heart was beating very quickly. Why was she getting all nervous…or excited about? It was just Bliss, her best guy friend. That’s it. Right? What was with her heart beating wildly when it came to Bliss and Blake? Why?
The bottle soon stopped, and this time it was pointing towards the one and only, Cathryn Johnson. When Bliss realized that he had to kiss Cathryn now, he instantly became even more excited…and nervous. As for Blake, he wasn’t worried about the kiss that was about to take place. He assumed that Bliss would no longer be able to have any chances now that he and Cathryn had a “spark,” a connection to one another. The competition for Cathryn was over.
“Come on, hurry it up will ya?” Blake asked as Bliss shot him a death glare.
“All right all right, keep your pants on,” Cathryn said as she leaned towards her left where Bliss was sitting.
Their two faces got closer until they were just barely touching. Cathryn’s eyes were closed, and Bliss’ was hardly opened as they kept on staring at her beautiful lips. Then he finally closed his as their lips finally touched. Bliss felt like one of the happiest guys alive now that he finally got the chance to kiss the girl that he has liked, maybe even loved, ever since the day they had met. He swore he saw a light flash while his eyes were closed and a surge of what felt like electricity shoot throughout his body, causing some goose bumps to appear on his arms and neck.
Bliss departed from Cathryn as much as he didn’t want to, and opened his eyes. He saw Cathryn with a shocked expression. Was that what people call a spark? A connection? Bliss wasn’t quite sure.
“Um Cathryn can I talk to you in the hallway for a second?” Bliss asked as he pointed to a random hallway nearby.
“Huh? Oh yeah uh sure,” Cathryn slowly got up with a dazed look and followed Bliss.
Blake narrowed his eyes as he watched them leave the room. Something was going on. Something happened in those ten seconds of their kiss. Blake wondered and suddenly realized it. They might have had a connection as well. The competition just started to get real interesting.
“This is going to be good,” Bliss smirked.
Cathryn started leaning towards Matty’s face. Yes Matty’s, rules are rules. The two girl’s faces grew closer and closer until the doorbell rung.
“Huh? Who could that be?” Blake asked.
“Pizza’s here!” Matty opened her eyes and got up quickly.
“We didn’t order any though,” Cathryn spoke surprised.
“Duh I ordered some when I was getting a bottle,” Matty stuck out her tongue with a wink as she held some bills in her hands and answered the door.
“Man…and it was just starting to get good,” Bliss joked.
“You wish,” Cathryn, laughed.
“Well you guys will kiss when Matty gets back with the food,” Blake pointed out.
“Crap. Well that’s not now, and wont be till we finish off eating,” Cathryn spoke.
“I got the pizzas!” Matty’s voice yelled, followed by a loud slam from the door.
“What kinds did you get?” Bliss asked.
“Combo and cheese,” Matty dropped the pizzas onto the floor and reconnected the circle after getting some napkins and plates.
Blake and Bliss each grabbed two slices at once. Cathryn seriously couldn’t understand why guys couldn’t just take their time? There were plenty of slices to go around…and around.
As they were eating, Cathryn could feel someone’s stare bore into her as she munched into her combo pizza. Who could be staring at her? Would it be Blake because of their kiss? Cathryn looked up to see striking blue eyes that were slightly covered in black hair before it averted and cast its glance downward. Bliss? Why would Bliss be staring at her? She moved her eyes around the room, and passed a red head that belonged to Matty’s as her green eyes continued on. She stopped at a head that had smooth black hair, but underneath it contained a pair of emerald green eyes. Cathryn was surprised as she noticed that Blake was already staring back at her. Her eyes quickly glanced down at her plastic cup filled with Coke.
After about half an hour of talking about nonsense and random topics, Blake mentioned that they should get back to the game.
“Oh come on Blake, let’s stop,” Cathryn said.
“No way, if we are going to stop, it’d be after you and Matty kiss, and after the other two take their turns,” Blake clapped his hands and rubbed them together with a grin glued to his face.
“Oh all right, all right…” Cathryn turned and looked at Matty.
Matty’s face got closer to Cathryn’s. Slowly their eyes closed and soon their lips made contact. Cathryn could hear the guys cheering and clapping their hands. To be honest, kissing a girl who just so happens to be your best friend felt very weird. When time was up Cathryn departed from Matty, and looked at the boys. The boys were grinning like wild.
“All right, Matty hurry up and spin that bottle!” Cathryn said as Matty leaned forward and spun it.
The Coca-cola bottle made some ‘whoosh’ sounds as the pace quickened. Then it started to slow down. Around and around it went for the third time that night. The bottle finally stopped and landed on Blake.
“Well, well, well…tonight is your lucky night Matty,” Blake smirked and leaned forward.
“You wish,” Matty said before they started kissing.
Cathryn felt a small hint of jealousy inside of her. She didn’t know why she did. Was she starting to like Blake because of their kiss? Because of their little spark they shared?
Cathryn felt a slight poke on her side and she giggled.
“So uh Cathryn…what’s up?” Bliss smiled as Cathryn laughed a little.
“Oh nothing much…just watching these weird people making out. That’s all, you?” Cathryn replied.
“Oh same here,” Bliss said before their faces departed.
“All right since Bliss is the only one left, he spins,” Matty said.
“Okay…here I go,” Bliss spun the bottle for the last time for tonight.
To tell you the truth, Bliss has been waiting for it to be his turn ever since the game started. Bliss wants the bottle to land on Cathryn…but hey what are the odds? He only had 1 out of 3 chances for the bottle to land on her. He’ll just have to hope for the best.
The bottle slowed down and slowly past Blake…past Matty…and it landed back on the spinner himself.
“What? I can’t kiss myself…” Bliss muttered.
“Spin it again, it doesn’t count,” Cathryn said.
Okay so the first time for Bliss wasn’t so good. At least it didn’t land on Blake. But secretly, Cathryn’s heart was beating very quickly. Why was she getting all nervous…or excited about? It was just Bliss, her best guy friend. That’s it. Right? What was with her heart beating wildly when it came to Bliss and Blake? Why?
The bottle soon stopped, and this time it was pointing towards the one and only, Cathryn Johnson. When Bliss realized that he had to kiss Cathryn now, he instantly became even more excited…and nervous. As for Blake, he wasn’t worried about the kiss that was about to take place. He assumed that Bliss would no longer be able to have any chances now that he and Cathryn had a “spark,” a connection to one another. The competition for Cathryn was over.
“Come on, hurry it up will ya?” Blake asked as Bliss shot him a death glare.
“All right all right, keep your pants on,” Cathryn said as she leaned towards her left where Bliss was sitting.
Their two faces got closer until they were just barely touching. Cathryn’s eyes were closed, and Bliss’ was hardly opened as they kept on staring at her beautiful lips. Then he finally closed his as their lips finally touched. Bliss felt like one of the happiest guys alive now that he finally got the chance to kiss the girl that he has liked, maybe even loved, ever since the day they had met. He swore he saw a light flash while his eyes were closed and a surge of what felt like electricity shoot throughout his body, causing some goose bumps to appear on his arms and neck.
Bliss departed from Cathryn as much as he didn’t want to, and opened his eyes. He saw Cathryn with a shocked expression. Was that what people call a spark? A connection? Bliss wasn’t quite sure.
“Um Cathryn can I talk to you in the hallway for a second?” Bliss asked as he pointed to a random hallway nearby.
“Huh? Oh yeah uh sure,” Cathryn slowly got up with a dazed look and followed Bliss.
Blake narrowed his eyes as he watched them leave the room. Something was going on. Something happened in those ten seconds of their kiss. Blake wondered and suddenly realized it. They might have had a connection as well. The competition just started to get real interesting.
Inches Away - Chapter Six
That day at the park was pretty interesting. After the girls, being pushed by the boys, were on the swing sets for a while, they moved on to the slides. Sure it was a kiddish thing for teens to still be on the playground but hey, it was still fun! They all headed back to Matty’s house and watched a movie instead of going to the movies. Oddly, NOT, Cathryn sat in between Blake and Bliss, leaving Matty sitting on the single-seated couch. Blake just so happened to choose a scary movie, When A Stranger Calls.
“You know…this isn’t really scary,” Cathryn commented as the main girl panics because the kids were now missing.
“Oh really…then why can’t I feel my left arm anymore?” Blake smirked as Cathryn looked down and Bliss leaned forward to see what he had meant.
Right there you could see Cathryn’s legs tucked close to her body and her arms cutting off Blake’s left arm’s circulation since her arms were wrapping around his so tightly. Cathryn could just feel Bliss’ stare on her as the blood was rushing towards her cheeks quickly. She didn’t notice when or how her arms got there. Neither did she know how her body was turned and leaning on Blake’s body. Her knees were on the side of his left leg, and she was practically resting her head on his shoulder. She unwrapped her arms around Blake’s arm and slowly turned her body until she wasn’t leaning on him any longer. When did she start leaning on Blake? Cathryn had no idea.
“Err…yeah it's not scary just…surprising,” Cathryn spoke quietly, embarrassed about what happened.
As that little moment ended, Bliss’ mind was trying to let all that sink in. Blake was already making his move on Cathryn and he knew it. A flow of jealousy passed through him and the hand on his leg gripped tightly into a fist, but slowly let go, causing half moon marks on his palm as Bliss decided to admit defeat this time.
“Well, that was an…interesting movie. I don’t even know why I have it,” Matty sighed as the credits were starting to show.
“That must have hurt like a bitch though! Getting nailed down by getting stabbed like that,” Blake shivered as he held his own hand.
“And what about the hair pulling? Can you say ‘ouch’?” Cathryn said as she picked up a pillow that fell off.
“Stalk much?” Bliss stretched his arms and legs.
It was just about four o’ clock now with the sun still bright outside. As half an hour had past since the movie ended, the group tried to find something to do for the rest of their stay at Matty’s.
“Park?” Matty suggested.
“We were there a couple of hours ago. Another movie?” Cathryn asked.
“Nah, how about some kind of card game?” Bliss replied then asked.
“Don’t have cards, sorry. Some kind of game?” Matty spoke.
“How about spin the bottle?” Blake winked at the girls.
“Ha ha no,” Bliss said.
“Oh why not? It’d be hot to see two guys kiss,” Cathryn laughed.
“Or two girls kiss,” Blake smirked.
“All right fine,” Matty confidently said.
“Seriously? You two wouldn’t mind kissing?” the guys raised their eyebrows.
“Pssh no. So are we going to play spin the bottle or some other game?” Cathryn folded her arms and tested the guys as she moved over to the floor across from where Matty was.
“Why not?” Bliss replied.
“Great! I’ll go get a water bottle or something,” Matty got up and ran into the kitchen.
This was a great opportunity for Bliss to kiss Cathryn…or Matty and Blake. ‘Oh gag…gross,’ Bliss thought. He cleared that out of his head before Matty came back with an empty Coca-Cola glass bottle. Classic bottle for this game…
“Who wants to go first?” Cathryn asked.
“Wait we got to set some rules. 1) No matter who it is, ya got to kiss! And 2) the kiss must last at least 10 seconds. Got it? Good. Done!” Matty said the last part quickly before anybody could object.
“I guess I’ll go first,” Blake placed his hand on the cold bottle and spun it quickly as they moved into a circle formation.
The glass bottle increased its speed before it started to decrease as seconds rushed by. Deep down Cathryn’s heart was beating as quickly as the number of spins the bottle was creating. Maybe from nervousness? From the fact that she had 1/3 chance of getting kissed by Blake Quistad? She didn’t like him more than a friend, but sometimes Blake can just be really hard to not drool over. Maybe that’s not a clear way to explain what Cathryn felt for Blake…but what she felt for him could possibly be more than a friend, but not exactly a crush either. The bottle was rotating very slowly now. It slowly past by the person who started it (Blake)and slowly passed Matty.
It barely flew by Bliss and he let out an air of relief. The bottle landed right in front of Cathryn Johnson. Her face instantly felt the rush of blood rushing into her cheeks. Her hands started to get a bit sweaty as the nervousness took control of her whole body and mind.
“Blake and Cathryn! You guys got to kiss now,” Matty said as Blake slowly leaned to his left since that’s where Cathryn sat in their four-person circle.
Cathryn saw Blake’s face getting closer and closer to her face. As their faces got closer, their eyes slowly shut. She felt Blake’s lips make contact with her own and there was a shock of electricity going throughout her body and there was a bright light that Cathryn thought she had imagined in her head. To be honest, this was actually Cathryn’s first kiss. She obviously didn’t really know what to do when you kiss someone, so she did what she only knew. Kiss back and hope for the best.
Bliss felt jealousy and sadness hit him like a stab to the heart. He stared at the side of Blake and Cathryn’s heads as the 10 seconds started. Bliss really wanted to be the first guy to kiss her. Yes, he knew about Cathryn’s first kiss thing. There was nothing Cathryn didn’t tell him. Once again Blake won.
“Time you two!” Matty said.
Bliss felt a wave a relief as their faces separated from each other’s.
“Was that really 10 seconds? I think you counted wrong,” Blake grinned like a little boy who just got candy as he stared into Cathryn’s green eyes, “so…did you feel that?”
Bliss looked at Blake with wide eyes. ‘Oh no…’ Please tell him that they hadn’t felt a connection between them?! That would truly be Bliss’ worst nightmare coming true.
“Um I…better go now,” Cathryn stumbled over her words before she moved around Blake and spun the bottle.
Cathryn saw Matty giving her the face. This meant that sooner or later she would need to explain things. Well Cathryn chose…later! The same procedure repeated as the bottle started to slow its pace down. Then after completing one more turn it laid motionless.
“Haha oh wow,” Cathryn said with an amused expression.
“Now it’s getting interesting,” Blake rubbed his hands together.
“All right lets get it on!” Matty laughed.
“This is going to be good,” Bliss smirked.
“You know…this isn’t really scary,” Cathryn commented as the main girl panics because the kids were now missing.
“Oh really…then why can’t I feel my left arm anymore?” Blake smirked as Cathryn looked down and Bliss leaned forward to see what he had meant.
Right there you could see Cathryn’s legs tucked close to her body and her arms cutting off Blake’s left arm’s circulation since her arms were wrapping around his so tightly. Cathryn could just feel Bliss’ stare on her as the blood was rushing towards her cheeks quickly. She didn’t notice when or how her arms got there. Neither did she know how her body was turned and leaning on Blake’s body. Her knees were on the side of his left leg, and she was practically resting her head on his shoulder. She unwrapped her arms around Blake’s arm and slowly turned her body until she wasn’t leaning on him any longer. When did she start leaning on Blake? Cathryn had no idea.
“Err…yeah it's not scary just…surprising,” Cathryn spoke quietly, embarrassed about what happened.
As that little moment ended, Bliss’ mind was trying to let all that sink in. Blake was already making his move on Cathryn and he knew it. A flow of jealousy passed through him and the hand on his leg gripped tightly into a fist, but slowly let go, causing half moon marks on his palm as Bliss decided to admit defeat this time.
“Well, that was an…interesting movie. I don’t even know why I have it,” Matty sighed as the credits were starting to show.
“That must have hurt like a bitch though! Getting nailed down by getting stabbed like that,” Blake shivered as he held his own hand.
“And what about the hair pulling? Can you say ‘ouch’?” Cathryn said as she picked up a pillow that fell off.
“Stalk much?” Bliss stretched his arms and legs.
It was just about four o’ clock now with the sun still bright outside. As half an hour had past since the movie ended, the group tried to find something to do for the rest of their stay at Matty’s.
“Park?” Matty suggested.
“We were there a couple of hours ago. Another movie?” Cathryn asked.
“Nah, how about some kind of card game?” Bliss replied then asked.
“Don’t have cards, sorry. Some kind of game?” Matty spoke.
“How about spin the bottle?” Blake winked at the girls.
“Ha ha no,” Bliss said.
“Oh why not? It’d be hot to see two guys kiss,” Cathryn laughed.
“Or two girls kiss,” Blake smirked.
“All right fine,” Matty confidently said.
“Seriously? You two wouldn’t mind kissing?” the guys raised their eyebrows.
“Pssh no. So are we going to play spin the bottle or some other game?” Cathryn folded her arms and tested the guys as she moved over to the floor across from where Matty was.
“Why not?” Bliss replied.
“Great! I’ll go get a water bottle or something,” Matty got up and ran into the kitchen.
This was a great opportunity for Bliss to kiss Cathryn…or Matty and Blake. ‘Oh gag…gross,’ Bliss thought. He cleared that out of his head before Matty came back with an empty Coca-Cola glass bottle. Classic bottle for this game…
“Who wants to go first?” Cathryn asked.
“Wait we got to set some rules. 1) No matter who it is, ya got to kiss! And 2) the kiss must last at least 10 seconds. Got it? Good. Done!” Matty said the last part quickly before anybody could object.
“I guess I’ll go first,” Blake placed his hand on the cold bottle and spun it quickly as they moved into a circle formation.
The glass bottle increased its speed before it started to decrease as seconds rushed by. Deep down Cathryn’s heart was beating as quickly as the number of spins the bottle was creating. Maybe from nervousness? From the fact that she had 1/3 chance of getting kissed by Blake Quistad? She didn’t like him more than a friend, but sometimes Blake can just be really hard to not drool over. Maybe that’s not a clear way to explain what Cathryn felt for Blake…but what she felt for him could possibly be more than a friend, but not exactly a crush either. The bottle was rotating very slowly now. It slowly past by the person who started it (Blake)and slowly passed Matty.
It barely flew by Bliss and he let out an air of relief. The bottle landed right in front of Cathryn Johnson. Her face instantly felt the rush of blood rushing into her cheeks. Her hands started to get a bit sweaty as the nervousness took control of her whole body and mind.
“Blake and Cathryn! You guys got to kiss now,” Matty said as Blake slowly leaned to his left since that’s where Cathryn sat in their four-person circle.
Cathryn saw Blake’s face getting closer and closer to her face. As their faces got closer, their eyes slowly shut. She felt Blake’s lips make contact with her own and there was a shock of electricity going throughout her body and there was a bright light that Cathryn thought she had imagined in her head. To be honest, this was actually Cathryn’s first kiss. She obviously didn’t really know what to do when you kiss someone, so she did what she only knew. Kiss back and hope for the best.
Bliss felt jealousy and sadness hit him like a stab to the heart. He stared at the side of Blake and Cathryn’s heads as the 10 seconds started. Bliss really wanted to be the first guy to kiss her. Yes, he knew about Cathryn’s first kiss thing. There was nothing Cathryn didn’t tell him. Once again Blake won.
“Time you two!” Matty said.
Bliss felt a wave a relief as their faces separated from each other’s.
“Was that really 10 seconds? I think you counted wrong,” Blake grinned like a little boy who just got candy as he stared into Cathryn’s green eyes, “so…did you feel that?”
Bliss looked at Blake with wide eyes. ‘Oh no…’ Please tell him that they hadn’t felt a connection between them?! That would truly be Bliss’ worst nightmare coming true.
“Um I…better go now,” Cathryn stumbled over her words before she moved around Blake and spun the bottle.
Cathryn saw Matty giving her the face. This meant that sooner or later she would need to explain things. Well Cathryn chose…later! The same procedure repeated as the bottle started to slow its pace down. Then after completing one more turn it laid motionless.
“Haha oh wow,” Cathryn said with an amused expression.
“Now it’s getting interesting,” Blake rubbed his hands together.
“All right lets get it on!” Matty laughed.
“This is going to be good,” Bliss smirked.
Inches Away - Chapter Five
Cathryn stopped in a mid-move. Her eyes widened as blood rushed out of her face, causing her to look pale. She slowly turned around to see a girl about her age, standing at 5’9, wearing THE shortest pink mini skirt ever created. She stood a couple of yards away with a hand on her hip and another carrying THE smallest handbag. Becca Michaelson: Second most popular student at McKay High, right after Bliss. Becca had short sandy blond hair with even more blond highlights. Her face contained blue/green eyes and a small nose that was covered with fair smooth skin.
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c242/watersurfer92/Beccaoutfitch5.jp g
“Hello! I’m talking to you bitch,” Becca snapped.
“Ya know…a bitch is a female dog, dogs bark, and barks come from trees. Trees are a part of nature, and nature is beautiful. So thanks for the compliment,” Cathryn sent out a fake smile.
“You got that from an icon,”
“Whatever, spill!”
“I don’t have to tell you anything except for the fact that I’m—”
She turned around and saw Blake standing there with a messenger bag. He was wearing baggy dark blue jeans with an un-tucked long sleeve button up shirt that was folded at the elbows. It had a nice light blue stripe pattern.
“Hello hottie…” Becca mutters under her breath.
“Blake…what are you doing here?” Cathryn was confused as to why he would be here.
“Did you forget? We were going to hang out today,” Blake said with a hint of ‘I’m helping you get away from her’ in his tone, he lifted his eyebrows up for a better effect for the “misunderstanding.”
“Oh right…yeah. Uh let’s go!” she quickly grabbed Blake’s hand and fast walked out of the hallway and into the elevator, leaving a very dazed Becca Michaelson.
“Oh my God, thank you SO much Blake!” Cathryn slumped to the floor holding her skateboard as she stared up at the lights in the elevator.
“No problem,” Blake answered.
Couple of seconds later there was a ‘ding’ coming from the numbers above the doors to the elevator.
“Well see you at work!” Cathryn hurried out of the doors but felt her wrist get caught by Blake’s hand.
“Uh uh uh. Not so fast little missy. You’ve got some confessing to do,” Blake smirked.
“It was nothing. I was just uh visiting…” Cathryn waited for Blake to let go of her wrist, but he never did.
“Bull shyt" Blake replied.
“You’re bull sheeting me?” Cathryn raised her eyebrows this time.
“Yes I am,” Blake said.
“Believe whatever you want then…” Cathryn motions her other hand like she was “shooing” away a fly, but towards Blake.
“I’ll find out sooner or later,” Blake smirked again.
“We’ll see,” Cathryn smirked back.
“Come on just tell me,” Blake whined.
“Nuh uh!”
After a few more minutes like that, Blake realized Cathryn wasn’t about to tell him at that moment, or any time soon either and finally let it go.
“Fine fine, you win!” Blake said.
“Oh yeah!”
“Come on let’s go,” Blake grabbed hold of Cathryn’s hand this time and started walking in a random direction when they walked out of the building.
“What? Where to?”
“We are going to hang out today, aren’t we?” Blake looked back at her then back at what’s in front of him.
“Actually… I was going to hang with Bliss today,”
“Bliss?” Blake’s voice had a hint of annoyance but Cathryn didn’t hear it, thankfully.
“Err and Matty,” Cathryn said after she noticed that Blake stopped walking and turned to look at her.
“Oh. Hey, mind if I tag along then?” Blake asked. I’m not going to let Bliss win…not again.
“Sure, I don’t think they would mind.”
Cathryn started to skateboard slowly as Blake walked alongside with her. Their conversation steered towards the topic of summer unfortunately coming to an end. To be honest, the moment when Blake held onto Cathryn was when her own green eyes entranced him deeply. Blake couldn’t bring out the confidence in him to tell Cathryn the feelings he has for her. Not yet. Why couldn’t he just gather up some courage and tell her? Was it because every time she was nearby he would get nervous? Or was it because he thought she might be falling for Bliss?
“Blake? Hello?” Cathryn already stopped skateboarding and was waving a hand in front of Blake’s emerald green eyes.
“What?” Blake snapped back to reality when he, once again, fell into a trance by Cathryn’s scent coming off of her as she skated.
“Were you listening what I was saying or did you doze off completely?” Cathryn started to skateboard slowly once more.
“Uuh Bliss, Matty, hang out. Um, school coming up, Becca, drama,” Blake attempted to remember the last topics they were talking about before he lost track.
“That was like five minutes ago but close enough,” Cathryn shrugged off and continued their conversation as Blake secretly let out a sigh of relief.
“So…are you going to tell me why you were at that place anytime soon?” Blake asked.
“How is that related to Becca and her barbies?” Cathryn looked at Blake for a moment before looking forward again.
“Exactly…and no.”
A little while later they finally entered the neighborhood, and on the street Cathryn lived on. She searched through her messenger bag and took out her key and slid it into the keyhole. When the two of us walked in they heard a radio blasting loud music down a hallway.
“Bliss! I’m home,” Cathryn yelled as she shut the door when Blake followed.
“You know, even now I keep forgetting that you two still live together,” Blake said.
“After three years?” Cathryn looked at him with a amused face.
‘Even after three years of never-forgetting…knowing that you lived with Bliss…’ Blake thought.
She threw her bag onto the couch as they heard bare feet making contact with the wooden floor.
“Finally you’re back! I called Matty earlier and she said to meet…” Bliss paused when he saw Blake standing beside Cathryn, “at the park…what’s he doing here?”
“Oh uh, Blake is going to hang out with us. Is that okay?” Cathryn asked with a pouty look.
“Yeah sure that’s…fine,” Bliss said as he slowly turned around and walked back into his room to get ready.
There was a moment of silence between the two, and even more silence when Bliss turned off his radio in his room.
“Awkward turtle,” Cathryn started to motion the ‘awkward turtle’ with her hands and fingers while they shared a laugh, “want anything to drink?”
“Oh uh sure. Water?” Blake finally spoke.
The two walked into the kitchen and Cathryn got a clean cup. She filled it up with water and handed it to Blake. Their fingers brushed and—BAM! What bad timing. Bliss comes right in and saw it. The second Cathryn saw Bliss standing at the entrance of the kitchen she quickly gave Blake his water and drew back her hand. There was a moment of silence.
“Awkward turtle,” Cathryn motioned her hands and formed the ‘awkward turtle’ once more, trying to see if the “awkward turtle” motion would break the ice like it did a few seconds ago.
“Um yeah…park, Matty, now,” Bliss stumbled over his words but Cathryn and Blake understood what he meant.
Bliss walked ahead of the two. He had his hands shoved into his hands and was walking quite quickly. Did she do something wrong? Why was Bliss starting to act so weird all of a sudden? Cathryn was a bit worried but soon shrugged that off her mind as they finally reached the park a couple of minutes later.
“Cathryn!” a voice called out.
Cathryn saw a girl of 5’8 with short but bright red hair with pale skin jumping off the swing and running over. Up close you could see her brown/green eyes.
“Matty!” Cathryn ran the rest of the way and they hugged each other tightly.
“Dude we haven’t hung out in forever!” she exclaimed.
“True to that,” Cathryn replied and they shared a laugh.
“Hey Matty,” Blake said.
“Oh hey Blake. How’s the diner going?” Matty asked.
“It’s going great,” Blake answered.
“Yo Bliss,”
“Sup Matty,” Bliss gave one of those guy-nods.
“Is something bothering Bliss?” Matty whispered to Cathryn as they were skipping towards the swing sets with their arms linked together.
“Apparently so…Bliss! Blake! Hurry it up will ya?” Cathryn yelled the last part as she looked behind her.
The girls reached the swing sets and started to swing their legs to get higher. While the boys were taking their time walking…and oddly close to each other.
“What’s the real reason you came?” Bliss asked with a dark tone.
“Why…to catch up with the three of you of course!” Blake pretended to sound offended.
“Bull crap" Bliss snapped.
“Afraid of some competition?” Blake repeated his question from the last time they met.
Before Bliss could answer Blake ran ahead and acted like the conversation between them never took place. He noticed Blake slowing down his pace and stopped behind Cathryn and started pushing her on her swing. ‘What competition?’ Bliss thought as he ran the rest of the way to them.
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c242/watersurfer92/Beccaoutfitch5.jp g
“Hello! I’m talking to you bitch,” Becca snapped.
“Ya know…a bitch is a female dog, dogs bark, and barks come from trees. Trees are a part of nature, and nature is beautiful. So thanks for the compliment,” Cathryn sent out a fake smile.
“You got that from an icon,”
“Whatever, spill!”
“I don’t have to tell you anything except for the fact that I’m—”
She turned around and saw Blake standing there with a messenger bag. He was wearing baggy dark blue jeans with an un-tucked long sleeve button up shirt that was folded at the elbows. It had a nice light blue stripe pattern.
“Hello hottie…” Becca mutters under her breath.
“Blake…what are you doing here?” Cathryn was confused as to why he would be here.
“Did you forget? We were going to hang out today,” Blake said with a hint of ‘I’m helping you get away from her’ in his tone, he lifted his eyebrows up for a better effect for the “misunderstanding.”
“Oh right…yeah. Uh let’s go!” she quickly grabbed Blake’s hand and fast walked out of the hallway and into the elevator, leaving a very dazed Becca Michaelson.
“Oh my God, thank you SO much Blake!” Cathryn slumped to the floor holding her skateboard as she stared up at the lights in the elevator.
“No problem,” Blake answered.
Couple of seconds later there was a ‘ding’ coming from the numbers above the doors to the elevator.
“Well see you at work!” Cathryn hurried out of the doors but felt her wrist get caught by Blake’s hand.
“Uh uh uh. Not so fast little missy. You’ve got some confessing to do,” Blake smirked.
“It was nothing. I was just uh visiting…” Cathryn waited for Blake to let go of her wrist, but he never did.
“Bull shyt" Blake replied.
“You’re bull sheeting me?” Cathryn raised her eyebrows this time.
“Yes I am,” Blake said.
“Believe whatever you want then…” Cathryn motions her other hand like she was “shooing” away a fly, but towards Blake.
“I’ll find out sooner or later,” Blake smirked again.
“We’ll see,” Cathryn smirked back.
“Come on just tell me,” Blake whined.
“Nuh uh!”
After a few more minutes like that, Blake realized Cathryn wasn’t about to tell him at that moment, or any time soon either and finally let it go.
“Fine fine, you win!” Blake said.
“Oh yeah!”
“Come on let’s go,” Blake grabbed hold of Cathryn’s hand this time and started walking in a random direction when they walked out of the building.
“What? Where to?”
“We are going to hang out today, aren’t we?” Blake looked back at her then back at what’s in front of him.
“Actually… I was going to hang with Bliss today,”
“Bliss?” Blake’s voice had a hint of annoyance but Cathryn didn’t hear it, thankfully.
“Err and Matty,” Cathryn said after she noticed that Blake stopped walking and turned to look at her.
“Oh. Hey, mind if I tag along then?” Blake asked. I’m not going to let Bliss win…not again.
“Sure, I don’t think they would mind.”
Cathryn started to skateboard slowly as Blake walked alongside with her. Their conversation steered towards the topic of summer unfortunately coming to an end. To be honest, the moment when Blake held onto Cathryn was when her own green eyes entranced him deeply. Blake couldn’t bring out the confidence in him to tell Cathryn the feelings he has for her. Not yet. Why couldn’t he just gather up some courage and tell her? Was it because every time she was nearby he would get nervous? Or was it because he thought she might be falling for Bliss?
“Blake? Hello?” Cathryn already stopped skateboarding and was waving a hand in front of Blake’s emerald green eyes.
“What?” Blake snapped back to reality when he, once again, fell into a trance by Cathryn’s scent coming off of her as she skated.
“Were you listening what I was saying or did you doze off completely?” Cathryn started to skateboard slowly once more.
“Uuh Bliss, Matty, hang out. Um, school coming up, Becca, drama,” Blake attempted to remember the last topics they were talking about before he lost track.
“That was like five minutes ago but close enough,” Cathryn shrugged off and continued their conversation as Blake secretly let out a sigh of relief.
“So…are you going to tell me why you were at that place anytime soon?” Blake asked.
“How is that related to Becca and her barbies?” Cathryn looked at Blake for a moment before looking forward again.
“Exactly…and no.”
A little while later they finally entered the neighborhood, and on the street Cathryn lived on. She searched through her messenger bag and took out her key and slid it into the keyhole. When the two of us walked in they heard a radio blasting loud music down a hallway.
“Bliss! I’m home,” Cathryn yelled as she shut the door when Blake followed.
“You know, even now I keep forgetting that you two still live together,” Blake said.
“After three years?” Cathryn looked at him with a amused face.
‘Even after three years of never-forgetting…knowing that you lived with Bliss…’ Blake thought.
She threw her bag onto the couch as they heard bare feet making contact with the wooden floor.
“Finally you’re back! I called Matty earlier and she said to meet…” Bliss paused when he saw Blake standing beside Cathryn, “at the park…what’s he doing here?”
“Oh uh, Blake is going to hang out with us. Is that okay?” Cathryn asked with a pouty look.
“Yeah sure that’s…fine,” Bliss said as he slowly turned around and walked back into his room to get ready.
There was a moment of silence between the two, and even more silence when Bliss turned off his radio in his room.
“Awkward turtle,” Cathryn started to motion the ‘awkward turtle’ with her hands and fingers while they shared a laugh, “want anything to drink?”
“Oh uh sure. Water?” Blake finally spoke.
The two walked into the kitchen and Cathryn got a clean cup. She filled it up with water and handed it to Blake. Their fingers brushed and—BAM! What bad timing. Bliss comes right in and saw it. The second Cathryn saw Bliss standing at the entrance of the kitchen she quickly gave Blake his water and drew back her hand. There was a moment of silence.
“Awkward turtle,” Cathryn motioned her hands and formed the ‘awkward turtle’ once more, trying to see if the “awkward turtle” motion would break the ice like it did a few seconds ago.
“Um yeah…park, Matty, now,” Bliss stumbled over his words but Cathryn and Blake understood what he meant.
Bliss walked ahead of the two. He had his hands shoved into his hands and was walking quite quickly. Did she do something wrong? Why was Bliss starting to act so weird all of a sudden? Cathryn was a bit worried but soon shrugged that off her mind as they finally reached the park a couple of minutes later.
“Cathryn!” a voice called out.
Cathryn saw a girl of 5’8 with short but bright red hair with pale skin jumping off the swing and running over. Up close you could see her brown/green eyes.
“Matty!” Cathryn ran the rest of the way and they hugged each other tightly.
“Dude we haven’t hung out in forever!” she exclaimed.
“True to that,” Cathryn replied and they shared a laugh.
“Hey Matty,” Blake said.
“Oh hey Blake. How’s the diner going?” Matty asked.
“It’s going great,” Blake answered.
“Yo Bliss,”
“Sup Matty,” Bliss gave one of those guy-nods.
“Is something bothering Bliss?” Matty whispered to Cathryn as they were skipping towards the swing sets with their arms linked together.
“Apparently so…Bliss! Blake! Hurry it up will ya?” Cathryn yelled the last part as she looked behind her.
The girls reached the swing sets and started to swing their legs to get higher. While the boys were taking their time walking…and oddly close to each other.
“What’s the real reason you came?” Bliss asked with a dark tone.
“Why…to catch up with the three of you of course!” Blake pretended to sound offended.
“Bull crap" Bliss snapped.
“Afraid of some competition?” Blake repeated his question from the last time they met.
Before Bliss could answer Blake ran ahead and acted like the conversation between them never took place. He noticed Blake slowing down his pace and stopped behind Cathryn and started pushing her on her swing. ‘What competition?’ Bliss thought as he ran the rest of the way to them.
Inches Away - Chapter Four
Cathryn woke up the next day with something heavy on top of her chest. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed it was actually Bliss’ arm. She instantly felt blood rush to her face; her heartbeat quickened and became wide-awake. Cathryn slowly turned her head to the right and noticed Bliss’ face was just inches away. She could have sworn her heart stopped for a second or two. More blood flushed to her face as her heartbeat quickened once more. Cathryn thought that Bliss would seriously feel her heartbeat since his arm was right over her chest. She slowly lifted his arm and scooted towards the edge of the bed, but Bliss made a sudden movement that made her stop and freeze. His arm moved down her body and tightened around Cathryn’s waist and brought her closer to his body, like he would be holding to a teddy bear or some sort of stuff animal. Cute but no. Cathryn noticed Bliss’ watch on the nightstand facing her direction. 11:43Am. Wow they slept in real late.
Cathryn studied Bliss’ face carefully. He looked so peaceful and adorable when he’s asleep. Then out of nowhere Cathryn remembered how important today was. She nearly pushed Bliss off his side of her bed as she scampered into her closet, and ran back out of the room with a change of clothes; leaving a very confused Bliss on the floor rubbing his head, half-awake.
How could she forget one of her most important days of her life? How could she? Cathryn quickly took a shower, and did all her bathroom activities. She rushed out of the bathroom with her toothbrush in her mouth and her other hand holding a brush that was in her hair. She stumbled past Bliss’ room and saw him only in his boxers since he was changing. Cathryn nearly started choking on the foamy toothpaste in her mouth and quickly ran back towards the bathroom and finished off brushing her hair and teeth. Cathryn ran back into her room and noticed Bliss took his watch, and ran back into his room, barging in.
“Bliss!” Cathryn came in to see a shirtless Bliss sagging his jeans (again), and stumbled over her words.
“Like what you see?” Bliss smirked.
“Wha-No! I mean…ack! What time is it?” Cathryn panicked.
“It’s uh…12:06. Why, what’s the rush? Where are you going? I thought we were going to the movies and hang with Matty today,” Bliss said as he was searching through his room for a clean shirt.
"Sheets! I forgot. Sorry but I forgot I had some plans. Eek! I’m going to be late! I’ll be back as soon as I can!”
Cathryn ran into her room and grabbed her skateboard that said ‘Bite Me’ under it. She stumbled out of the front door wearing: http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c242/watersurfer92/ch4outfit.jpg
She threw her skateboard to the ground, and as it rolled forward she jumped on it. She had exactly nine minutes to reach her destination. There were a lot of obstacles like toys and little children on the sidewalk so she took over the road area near the sidewalk so she wouldn’t get run over by passing cars. Four minutes left and Cathryn just reached the street of her destination. Her light brown hair was flying all over the place as she picked up her speed. She nearly knocked into a couple of people along the way to an extremely tall building with countless windows stacking God knows how tall.
“Come on, come on, come on!” Cathryn jumped a little and shook out her arms while rotating her head in a circle, causing cracking noises to fill the elevator that she tripped into a minute ago.
The famous ding noise came, and Cathryn ran while carrying her skateboard in her right hand. There was a set of double doors at the end of a hallway she entered into. She barged into the room and saw at least 15 other teenage girls around her age waiting in the room with a number attached to them. A person behind a table was next to the set of doors, and Cathryn walked over there, trying to calm down her breathing.
“Hi, I’m suppose to be auditioning today…soon,” Cathryn said to the lady.
“You’re name is?” She replied as she placed her hands ready to turn the page in a really thick binder.
“Cathryn Johnson,”
“All right…Johnson…Johnson…Cathryn Johnson…Ah! Here you are,” the lady said and took out the form that I had filled out a couple of months ago, including a picture of myself, “here’s your number. Please wait with the others until your number is called.”
“Thank you.”
Cathryn took a sticker with the number 54 and placed it on her right arm. She felt through her pants and felt a lump in one of the side pockets. She dug in there and found it was her cell phone. Cathryn took out The Most Crappiest Cell Phone in the World.
I looked at the faded screen, and noticed it was 12:11pm. She made it just in time; she had another four minutes to kill. Cathryn took a look at her competition. She saw some teens that looked completely experienced, and some that…well lets just say they probably go shopping for mirrors or glass material all the time.
Cathryn dug through her bag and pulled out the flyer. The piece of paper that she planned on making it become a dream to a reality. It was a competition for female teens around 15-19 to compete against one another to be the chosen one who get to enter the entertainment world in singing and have their own debut album.
She started to warm up herself, and when 12:15pm struck, a lady who looked liked she was in her early thirties came out of another set of double doors with a clipboard in her hand.
“Will no. 54 please come in?” she asked and walked back into the room, leaving the door open for the next contestant.
Cathryn took a few deep breaths before she started to walk into the room, where there were three judges behind a desk on the other side of the room from where the doors were. There were two men, and one woman. They were sitting by the large windows, which went from the ceiling to the floor, where there was a wonderful view of the city.
“Cathryn Johnson am I right?” one of the two men spoke from the middle of the table.
“Yes,” Cathryn answered.
“No need to be nervous. Relax,” the woman smiled softly, Cathryn returned with a weak smile.
“So what will you be singing to us?” the other man finally asked.
“Hanging On by Cheyenne Kimball. I’ll be singing just the chorus of it,” Cathryn replied as the one of the judges nodded their head for her to start.
Cathryn took a few deep breathes before singing. Although she started out a bit too soft, in the end she was singing loudly.
“I'm hanging on today
And nothing's gonna stop me, anyway
I'm holding on, I'm strong
I'm the only one who can make it change
I don't wanna fight
I gotta live my life
I'm gonna make it right
I'm hanging on and nothing's gonna stop me, anyway…”
Cathryn didn’t realize till the end that she closed her eyes for a couple of seconds to finish off the last few notes and lyrics of the song. She opened my eyes to see two amused judges, and one judge that looked confused or of some sort.
“Um, I’m done singing…” Cathryn hesitated.
A couple of seconds later the two stunned judges jumped out of their seats and started clapping their hearts out. One of the chairs actually fell right over, causing a clashing noise as the chair made contact with the wooden floor.
“Wonderful singing darling!” The woman cried out.
“Excellent vocals you have,” the other complemented.
“Thank you very much,” Cathryn bowed a little with a stronger smile than before.
“I am utterly confused,” the only judge who was still sitting down in his seat finally spoke out.
“What are you saying Jim?! The girl has magnificent talent! Outstanding vocals! A beautiful gift! What more do you need to understand?!” the woman asked frantically.
“It says you have never taken part in anything to do with music, not even any music lessons. You even mention here you have no experience whatsoever. So how is it you are so great at singing?” the judge, called Jim, asked.
And all along Cathryn just thought Jim didn’t like her singing…gosh can you say heart attack or Simon Cowell?
“Um…I was born with it? I’m not sure…heh…” Cathryn answered.
“Well in ANY case! You’re in! We’ll see in the second round,” the other male judge said.
“You’ll get a call sometime next week for more information,” the woman smiled.
“Thank you so much!!” Cathryn screamed out before hugging the judges.
“No problem dear,” Jim smiled before letting go of Cathryn.
Cathryn grabbed her skateboard as she slammed the door open filled with glee. She did a little dance before jumping in the air with a “WHOO-HOO!”
“So what are you doing here?”
Cathryn stopped in a mid-move. Her eyes widened as blood rushed out of her face, causing her to look pale.
Cathryn studied Bliss’ face carefully. He looked so peaceful and adorable when he’s asleep. Then out of nowhere Cathryn remembered how important today was. She nearly pushed Bliss off his side of her bed as she scampered into her closet, and ran back out of the room with a change of clothes; leaving a very confused Bliss on the floor rubbing his head, half-awake.
How could she forget one of her most important days of her life? How could she? Cathryn quickly took a shower, and did all her bathroom activities. She rushed out of the bathroom with her toothbrush in her mouth and her other hand holding a brush that was in her hair. She stumbled past Bliss’ room and saw him only in his boxers since he was changing. Cathryn nearly started choking on the foamy toothpaste in her mouth and quickly ran back towards the bathroom and finished off brushing her hair and teeth. Cathryn ran back into her room and noticed Bliss took his watch, and ran back into his room, barging in.
“Bliss!” Cathryn came in to see a shirtless Bliss sagging his jeans (again), and stumbled over her words.
“Like what you see?” Bliss smirked.
“Wha-No! I mean…ack! What time is it?” Cathryn panicked.
“It’s uh…12:06. Why, what’s the rush? Where are you going? I thought we were going to the movies and hang with Matty today,” Bliss said as he was searching through his room for a clean shirt.
"Sheets! I forgot. Sorry but I forgot I had some plans. Eek! I’m going to be late! I’ll be back as soon as I can!”
Cathryn ran into her room and grabbed her skateboard that said ‘Bite Me’ under it. She stumbled out of the front door wearing: http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c242/watersurfer92/ch4outfit.jpg
She threw her skateboard to the ground, and as it rolled forward she jumped on it. She had exactly nine minutes to reach her destination. There were a lot of obstacles like toys and little children on the sidewalk so she took over the road area near the sidewalk so she wouldn’t get run over by passing cars. Four minutes left and Cathryn just reached the street of her destination. Her light brown hair was flying all over the place as she picked up her speed. She nearly knocked into a couple of people along the way to an extremely tall building with countless windows stacking God knows how tall.
“Come on, come on, come on!” Cathryn jumped a little and shook out her arms while rotating her head in a circle, causing cracking noises to fill the elevator that she tripped into a minute ago.
The famous ding noise came, and Cathryn ran while carrying her skateboard in her right hand. There was a set of double doors at the end of a hallway she entered into. She barged into the room and saw at least 15 other teenage girls around her age waiting in the room with a number attached to them. A person behind a table was next to the set of doors, and Cathryn walked over there, trying to calm down her breathing.
“Hi, I’m suppose to be auditioning today…soon,” Cathryn said to the lady.
“You’re name is?” She replied as she placed her hands ready to turn the page in a really thick binder.
“Cathryn Johnson,”
“All right…Johnson…Johnson…Cathryn Johnson…Ah! Here you are,” the lady said and took out the form that I had filled out a couple of months ago, including a picture of myself, “here’s your number. Please wait with the others until your number is called.”
“Thank you.”
Cathryn took a sticker with the number 54 and placed it on her right arm. She felt through her pants and felt a lump in one of the side pockets. She dug in there and found it was her cell phone. Cathryn took out The Most Crappiest Cell Phone in the World.
I looked at the faded screen, and noticed it was 12:11pm. She made it just in time; she had another four minutes to kill. Cathryn took a look at her competition. She saw some teens that looked completely experienced, and some that…well lets just say they probably go shopping for mirrors or glass material all the time.
Cathryn dug through her bag and pulled out the flyer. The piece of paper that she planned on making it become a dream to a reality. It was a competition for female teens around 15-19 to compete against one another to be the chosen one who get to enter the entertainment world in singing and have their own debut album.
She started to warm up herself, and when 12:15pm struck, a lady who looked liked she was in her early thirties came out of another set of double doors with a clipboard in her hand.
“Will no. 54 please come in?” she asked and walked back into the room, leaving the door open for the next contestant.
Cathryn took a few deep breaths before she started to walk into the room, where there were three judges behind a desk on the other side of the room from where the doors were. There were two men, and one woman. They were sitting by the large windows, which went from the ceiling to the floor, where there was a wonderful view of the city.
“Cathryn Johnson am I right?” one of the two men spoke from the middle of the table.
“Yes,” Cathryn answered.
“No need to be nervous. Relax,” the woman smiled softly, Cathryn returned with a weak smile.
“So what will you be singing to us?” the other man finally asked.
“Hanging On by Cheyenne Kimball. I’ll be singing just the chorus of it,” Cathryn replied as the one of the judges nodded their head for her to start.
Cathryn took a few deep breathes before singing. Although she started out a bit too soft, in the end she was singing loudly.
“I'm hanging on today
And nothing's gonna stop me, anyway
I'm holding on, I'm strong
I'm the only one who can make it change
I don't wanna fight
I gotta live my life
I'm gonna make it right
I'm hanging on and nothing's gonna stop me, anyway…”
Cathryn didn’t realize till the end that she closed her eyes for a couple of seconds to finish off the last few notes and lyrics of the song. She opened my eyes to see two amused judges, and one judge that looked confused or of some sort.
“Um, I’m done singing…” Cathryn hesitated.
A couple of seconds later the two stunned judges jumped out of their seats and started clapping their hearts out. One of the chairs actually fell right over, causing a clashing noise as the chair made contact with the wooden floor.
“Wonderful singing darling!” The woman cried out.
“Excellent vocals you have,” the other complemented.
“Thank you very much,” Cathryn bowed a little with a stronger smile than before.
“I am utterly confused,” the only judge who was still sitting down in his seat finally spoke out.
“What are you saying Jim?! The girl has magnificent talent! Outstanding vocals! A beautiful gift! What more do you need to understand?!” the woman asked frantically.
“It says you have never taken part in anything to do with music, not even any music lessons. You even mention here you have no experience whatsoever. So how is it you are so great at singing?” the judge, called Jim, asked.
And all along Cathryn just thought Jim didn’t like her singing…gosh can you say heart attack or Simon Cowell?
“Um…I was born with it? I’m not sure…heh…” Cathryn answered.
“Well in ANY case! You’re in! We’ll see in the second round,” the other male judge said.
“You’ll get a call sometime next week for more information,” the woman smiled.
“Thank you so much!!” Cathryn screamed out before hugging the judges.
“No problem dear,” Jim smiled before letting go of Cathryn.
Cathryn grabbed her skateboard as she slammed the door open filled with glee. She did a little dance before jumping in the air with a “WHOO-HOO!”
“So what are you doing here?”
Cathryn stopped in a mid-move. Her eyes widened as blood rushed out of her face, causing her to look pale.
Inches Away - Chapter Three
“Are you always this clumsy?”
Cathryn looked up and saw a boy about 5’8 with light tan skin, emerald green eyes, and black hair with what most people would call “emo-hair;” it covered parts of his right eye.
“Sorry Blake, I didn’t expect someone to be on the other side of the door,” Cathryn said nervously before receiving her wrist back from Blake’s hand.
“Blake…” Bliss greeted.
“Bliss…” Blake followed.
Blake Quistad was Jacob Quistad’s son. Blake attends McKay High with Cathryn and Bliss. At the diner he helps out around the diner as well. Blake was more like a host really; he greets guests now and then, and drops by at random tables to see how the guests are doing with their meal.
Cathryn could tell there was a little tension between Bliss and Blake.
“I’ll uh…go and uh…yeah,” Cathryn quickly walked in between them and entered the kitchen.
Leaving Blake and Bliss giving each other non-stop death glares. Those two never really liked each other. Cathryn never found out why, or even curious to wonder why Bliss and Blake never got along. She just thought it was one of those weird things that guys just do.
“Back off all right?” Bliss said with a menacing glare, if only looks could kill…
“What? Afraid of some competition…Bliss?” Blake walked past him, hitting his shoulder on the way.
An hour of taking orders, carrying trays, and running around the diner like crazy had passed. By now Bliss already switched to his second job of this part-time job they have. Bliss is a waiter, and partly one of the cook assistants.
Cathryn walked up to a new group of three men at one of the tables. She took out her notepad and pen and sighed before repeating the question for the 100th time practically.
“What can I get you guys?”
“I’ll have the lobster and a Coke,” one of the three said.
“I’ll take the 12oz. T-Bone Steak and Pepsi,” the other man said.
“What I want is not on the menu, miss,” the last one mentioned.
Cathryn looked up from her notepad, where she was writing down the orders, to the man. She noticed him lowering his eyes to her chest. Cathryn rolled her eyes before crossing her arms together. The other two chuckled, knowing what their friend meant. Well guess what, she did too.
“All right, I’ll come back later…I’ll be back with your drinks,” Cathryn walked away from the table. Cocky man-whore…she thought before entering the kitchen.
“God! That was the fifth time already!” Cathryn half-yelled to no one in particular.
“New guy hopefully?” Beth asked, as she was about to walk out of the kitchen with fresh new meals on the tray.
“The guy didn’t use the menu-line did he?” Bliss said from across the kitchen, while cooking.
“Actually he did use that line…God, can’t they AT LEAST think of some other kind of pick-up line?” Cathryn complained before she started to open a Coke and Pepsi can and pour into two different glass cups filled with ice.
“Maybe I should put up a sign that says: Don’t harass the waitresses please,” Blake entered the kitchen and chuckled.
“Well I better get out there…hopefully that cocky b—”
“Ah ah…can’t insult the guests…” Blake said playfully.
“Whatever, hopefully that…man…. has thought of something to ACTUALLY have,” Cathryn said as she carried the two drinks walking towards the double swinging doors.
She was just about to walk through the doors before she felt an arm gently grab her arm and slowly turn her around into one side of the kitchen.
“Blake?” Cathryn asked in confusion, “What is it?”
“Don’t let those type of guys get to you okay?” he said with a serious tone.
From where they were, Bliss couldn’t see them since he was on the other side of the kitchen. Blake’s face was inches away from Cathryn’s. She could have sworn her heart just skipped a beat. She could feel the blood rush to her face.
“Y-yeah okay,” Cathryn stumbled over her words before quickly leaving the kitchen, leaving Blake in that corner that was near the two floppy doors.
Cathryn walked out towards the same table of three men, and placed the drinks in front of the two. She turned towards the cocky man and took out her notepad and pen once more.
“Decided what you like to have yet?”
“Yes, I’ll have…. you tonight,” the cocky man smirked.
“I’m sorry, I’m taken already. Would you like to have something else?” she faked a smile.
“In that case, I’ll order One-Half Golden brown Southern fried Chicken and water,” the cocky man sighed.
“I’ll be right back,” Cathryn left and entered the kitchen once more
Cathryn soon delivered all three meals plus the water back to the table, and continued the routine of taking orders, bringing in food and drinks for another hour. Cathryn and Bliss took their 15-minute break and chilled out at the back of the diner outside. Bliss was leaning against the wall with on foot on the wall and with his arms crossed over his chest. Cathryn was sitting down with her knees close up, and hands arms resting on her knees.
“Tonight sure is packed,” Bliss said.
“Yeah…my arms are getting a bit sore carrying trays of meals and drinks all over the place,” Cathryn muttered as she breathed in the cool night air and looked up at the faded stars.
“Can I ask you a question Bliss?”
“You just did,” I heard him smirk before I smiled. Typical Bliss.
“All right…can I ask you two questions?”
“Why do you and Blake hate each other? You guys are always causing tension…”
“Don’t worry about it. Come on, break’s over,” Bliss said and walked inside while Cathryn just sat there a little longer thinking before heading back into the kitchen.
Finally the clock struck 10 o’ clock and Bliss and Cathryn’s shift was finally over. Cathryn was saying goodbye to the last customer of the night, and walked into the kitchen.
“Well the last person has left, and I locked the front already,” Cathryn said as she was walking to the rack and retrieved her jacket.
“I’ll be ready in a sec, got to finish up cleaning up,” Bliss responded as he was putting away clean plates away.
“I’ll take over from here,” Blake said as he appeared from the storage room.
“Oh thanks…” Bliss handed Blake the clean plates and left the kitchen with Cathryn.
Bliss and Cathryn arrived home about a quarter past 10. She walked into her room and grabbed her pajamas and started walking towards the bathroom for another shower.
“Taking a shower now,” Cathryn’s voice echoed through the hallways as she closed the bathroom door and started her shower.
When she finished her shower she saw Bliss in deep sleep…on her bed…again. Why couldn’t he just have slept on his own bed? Cathryn thought as she threw one of her many identical waitress uniform into the basket that was half full from her previous dirty clothes.
She checked out the digital clock on Bliss’ wrist and noticed it was 10:43pm already. She removed his watch and placed it on her nightstand, and moved Bliss’ body to the left side of her bed, and turned off the light. Cathryn snuggled into her bed on the right side, facing away from the asleep Bliss.
Uniforms: (Cathryn, Bliss, Bliss)- http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c242/watersurfer92/uniforms.jpg
Cathryn looked up and saw a boy about 5’8 with light tan skin, emerald green eyes, and black hair with what most people would call “emo-hair;” it covered parts of his right eye.
“Sorry Blake, I didn’t expect someone to be on the other side of the door,” Cathryn said nervously before receiving her wrist back from Blake’s hand.
“Blake…” Bliss greeted.
“Bliss…” Blake followed.
Blake Quistad was Jacob Quistad’s son. Blake attends McKay High with Cathryn and Bliss. At the diner he helps out around the diner as well. Blake was more like a host really; he greets guests now and then, and drops by at random tables to see how the guests are doing with their meal.
Cathryn could tell there was a little tension between Bliss and Blake.
“I’ll uh…go and uh…yeah,” Cathryn quickly walked in between them and entered the kitchen.
Leaving Blake and Bliss giving each other non-stop death glares. Those two never really liked each other. Cathryn never found out why, or even curious to wonder why Bliss and Blake never got along. She just thought it was one of those weird things that guys just do.
“Back off all right?” Bliss said with a menacing glare, if only looks could kill…
“What? Afraid of some competition…Bliss?” Blake walked past him, hitting his shoulder on the way.
An hour of taking orders, carrying trays, and running around the diner like crazy had passed. By now Bliss already switched to his second job of this part-time job they have. Bliss is a waiter, and partly one of the cook assistants.
Cathryn walked up to a new group of three men at one of the tables. She took out her notepad and pen and sighed before repeating the question for the 100th time practically.
“What can I get you guys?”
“I’ll have the lobster and a Coke,” one of the three said.
“I’ll take the 12oz. T-Bone Steak and Pepsi,” the other man said.
“What I want is not on the menu, miss,” the last one mentioned.
Cathryn looked up from her notepad, where she was writing down the orders, to the man. She noticed him lowering his eyes to her chest. Cathryn rolled her eyes before crossing her arms together. The other two chuckled, knowing what their friend meant. Well guess what, she did too.
“All right, I’ll come back later…I’ll be back with your drinks,” Cathryn walked away from the table. Cocky man-whore…she thought before entering the kitchen.
“God! That was the fifth time already!” Cathryn half-yelled to no one in particular.
“New guy hopefully?” Beth asked, as she was about to walk out of the kitchen with fresh new meals on the tray.
“The guy didn’t use the menu-line did he?” Bliss said from across the kitchen, while cooking.
“Actually he did use that line…God, can’t they AT LEAST think of some other kind of pick-up line?” Cathryn complained before she started to open a Coke and Pepsi can and pour into two different glass cups filled with ice.
“Maybe I should put up a sign that says: Don’t harass the waitresses please,” Blake entered the kitchen and chuckled.
“Well I better get out there…hopefully that cocky b—”
“Ah ah…can’t insult the guests…” Blake said playfully.
“Whatever, hopefully that…man…. has thought of something to ACTUALLY have,” Cathryn said as she carried the two drinks walking towards the double swinging doors.
She was just about to walk through the doors before she felt an arm gently grab her arm and slowly turn her around into one side of the kitchen.
“Blake?” Cathryn asked in confusion, “What is it?”
“Don’t let those type of guys get to you okay?” he said with a serious tone.
From where they were, Bliss couldn’t see them since he was on the other side of the kitchen. Blake’s face was inches away from Cathryn’s. She could have sworn her heart just skipped a beat. She could feel the blood rush to her face.
“Y-yeah okay,” Cathryn stumbled over her words before quickly leaving the kitchen, leaving Blake in that corner that was near the two floppy doors.
Cathryn walked out towards the same table of three men, and placed the drinks in front of the two. She turned towards the cocky man and took out her notepad and pen once more.
“Decided what you like to have yet?”
“Yes, I’ll have…. you tonight,” the cocky man smirked.
“I’m sorry, I’m taken already. Would you like to have something else?” she faked a smile.
“In that case, I’ll order One-Half Golden brown Southern fried Chicken and water,” the cocky man sighed.
“I’ll be right back,” Cathryn left and entered the kitchen once more
Cathryn soon delivered all three meals plus the water back to the table, and continued the routine of taking orders, bringing in food and drinks for another hour. Cathryn and Bliss took their 15-minute break and chilled out at the back of the diner outside. Bliss was leaning against the wall with on foot on the wall and with his arms crossed over his chest. Cathryn was sitting down with her knees close up, and hands arms resting on her knees.
“Tonight sure is packed,” Bliss said.
“Yeah…my arms are getting a bit sore carrying trays of meals and drinks all over the place,” Cathryn muttered as she breathed in the cool night air and looked up at the faded stars.
“Can I ask you a question Bliss?”
“You just did,” I heard him smirk before I smiled. Typical Bliss.
“All right…can I ask you two questions?”
“Why do you and Blake hate each other? You guys are always causing tension…”
“Don’t worry about it. Come on, break’s over,” Bliss said and walked inside while Cathryn just sat there a little longer thinking before heading back into the kitchen.
Finally the clock struck 10 o’ clock and Bliss and Cathryn’s shift was finally over. Cathryn was saying goodbye to the last customer of the night, and walked into the kitchen.
“Well the last person has left, and I locked the front already,” Cathryn said as she was walking to the rack and retrieved her jacket.
“I’ll be ready in a sec, got to finish up cleaning up,” Bliss responded as he was putting away clean plates away.
“I’ll take over from here,” Blake said as he appeared from the storage room.
“Oh thanks…” Bliss handed Blake the clean plates and left the kitchen with Cathryn.
Bliss and Cathryn arrived home about a quarter past 10. She walked into her room and grabbed her pajamas and started walking towards the bathroom for another shower.
“Taking a shower now,” Cathryn’s voice echoed through the hallways as she closed the bathroom door and started her shower.
When she finished her shower she saw Bliss in deep sleep…on her bed…again. Why couldn’t he just have slept on his own bed? Cathryn thought as she threw one of her many identical waitress uniform into the basket that was half full from her previous dirty clothes.
She checked out the digital clock on Bliss’ wrist and noticed it was 10:43pm already. She removed his watch and placed it on her nightstand, and moved Bliss’ body to the left side of her bed, and turned off the light. Cathryn snuggled into her bed on the right side, facing away from the asleep Bliss.
Uniforms: (Cathryn, Bliss, Bliss)- http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c242/watersurfer92/uniforms.jpg
Inches Away - Chapter Two
About an hour of taking a nice warm bath, Cathryn drained out the water and took a shower. Afterward she got out and dried herself with a nice white and fluffy towel that was resting by the sink. She started to put on her outfit before leaving the bathroom with her dirty clothes, swimsuit outfit, and wet towel. Cathryn walked back out of the hallway, and notices Bliss wasn’t watching any T.V anymore. She walks back to her room and sees Bliss sprawled out on her bed, staring at the ceiling.
“And what exactly are you doing on my bed Mr. McKay?” she said as she threw her clothes and towel into the laundry basket right next to her small closet.
“Chilling out…and what are you doing in uniform, Ms. Johnson? We got like another hour and a half,”
“These are really comfy,” she walked over to her table and picked up a brush and started to brush through her damp hair.
“Well whatever then, just as long you keep your end of the deal,” he smirked and left the room.
Cathryn soon finished brushing her hair, and left her room. She walked down the hallway and T.V noises filled her ears. She entered the living room to find Bliss lying across their only couch. Cathryn walked over and sat on his legs.
“Anytime now…” she said smiling like a five-year-old.
“Okay fine,” Bliss moved his legs and let her sit down, but then placed his legs on top of her lap.
Soon Bliss left for about ten minutes, and came back to the living room wearing his uniform as well. After watching some more TV, Bliss’ watch started to beep; alerting them that it was finally 6:00pm.
“Well, it’s time for us to get going,” Bliss said as he stood up and stretched his arms.
Cathryn followed his moves and stretched her legs as well. She took a step forward and was about to fall but Bliss reacted in time and caught her.
“Wow careful there,” Bliss said.
“Sorry, my foot is still asleep,” Cathryn, said as she stared into his icy blue eyes.
When the two of them noticed they were in that position a couple of seconds too long, they quickly stepped away from each other. Can you say awkward? Cathryn grabbed her jacket before they started to walk out the door.
About fifteen minutes of walking, they entered Jacob’s Diner. This diner may have a lame title but its in fact one of the popular restaurants in town. This is where Cathryn and Bliss work on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-10pm. A waitress that was on her shift, who was passing by them, greeted them. They walked towards the kitchen, and through the door that said ‘Employees Only.’
“Ah Bliss! Cathryn! Just in time,” a man, who looked like he was in his late 40’s, walked up to them.
He was wearing a chef’s uniform, with a mushroom top-looking hat that you see a lot on T.V.
“Hey Jacob,” Bliss greeted casually as he was fixing his bow of his waiter uniform once more.
“Hello Mr. Quistad,” Cathryn replied as she hung her jacket on a hook to the side of the large kitchen.
“I hear that you two will be getting back to school soon?” Jacob Quistad, owner of the diner, walked over.
“Yeah in about three weeks,” Bliss replied.
“But we’ll still be working here on our usual shifts,” Cathryn added.
“Ah yes, good to hear. That’s what I was wondering about. Start working when it’s 7:00,” Jacob walked away and started to finish off what he was cooking earlier.
Fire blasts appeared every now and then over the stoves, making it look like the food would burn but would appear perfectly fine. There were at least six or seven other workers cooking and running around the kitchen.
“Come on, let’s hurry and eat,” Bliss grabbed her arm before they left the kitchen and walked over to a two-person table.
The waitress that walked by earlier came up to them.
“Hey Beth,” Cathryn said as she skimmed through the menu
“Hello Cathryn…hey Bliss,” Beth answered, ending with a flirty greeting towards Bliss.
“Aloha! Hmm okay I’ll take the Jumbo Deluxe Burger and Coke,” Bliss gave his menu to Beth.
“And I’ll take the Caesar Salad, and water. Thanks,” Cathryn said and gave her menu to Beth too.
“All right cool, I’ll be right back,” Beth left with two menus in her left hand and her notepad in her right with her pen behind her ear.
When she walked through the kitchen doors, Cathryn turned her head towards Bliss.
“Could you not tell that Beth has the hots for you?” Cathryn asked.
“Really? I didn’t notice,” Bliss answered, skimming the area.
“You must be blind then…so anyways, what do you think junior year will be like?” Cathryn laid in the back of her comfy seat.
“Same ole’, same ole’. Becca is probably going to cause all the drama, with her little followers,” Bliss said.
“Probably…I don’t get it. Taryn is smart, why would she lower herself down to…their level?”
“No idea what so ever,”
“Bet you 10 bucks she’ll cling to you the second she sees you,”
“Oh I’m not going against that…”
“You know she’s been after you since like middle school,”
“I know…the girl just doesn’t know that ‘no’ means ‘no!’ Ooh, sweet the food is here!” Bliss straightened himself and saw Beth carrying a circular tray with our two dishes and two drinks.
“Here’s your burger and coke Bliss, and your salad and water Cathryn,” Beth said and walked away.
“Dig in!”
Bliss stuffed as much of his burger into his mouth as possible while Cathryn took small bites of her salad. They talked more about how they think the school year would turn out.
“Ya know, we haven’t hung out with Matty lately,” Cathryn mentioned.
“I thought she was still at camp,” Bliss mumbled with food in his mouth.
“Nope, I saw her dancing in her room just today before I took my shower,” Cathryn said before finishing up her salad.
“Well lets all hang tomorrow then. Pool?” Bliss suggested.
“We went swimming today Bliss,” Cathryn pointed out.
“What’s on?”
“Uuuh no idea. We’ll check the newspaper when we get home,” Bliss said and finished off his coke.
They finished off their dinner, and because of their deal earlier, Cathryn paid for their dinner that night. The two of them walked over to the kitchen and Cathryn ended up hitting something instead of the empty space on the other side of the flippy door. She almost fell backwards but the person she bumped into caught her wrist.
“Are you always this clumsy?”
“And what exactly are you doing on my bed Mr. McKay?” she said as she threw her clothes and towel into the laundry basket right next to her small closet.
“Chilling out…and what are you doing in uniform, Ms. Johnson? We got like another hour and a half,”
“These are really comfy,” she walked over to her table and picked up a brush and started to brush through her damp hair.
“Well whatever then, just as long you keep your end of the deal,” he smirked and left the room.
Cathryn soon finished brushing her hair, and left her room. She walked down the hallway and T.V noises filled her ears. She entered the living room to find Bliss lying across their only couch. Cathryn walked over and sat on his legs.
“Anytime now…” she said smiling like a five-year-old.
“Okay fine,” Bliss moved his legs and let her sit down, but then placed his legs on top of her lap.
Soon Bliss left for about ten minutes, and came back to the living room wearing his uniform as well. After watching some more TV, Bliss’ watch started to beep; alerting them that it was finally 6:00pm.
“Well, it’s time for us to get going,” Bliss said as he stood up and stretched his arms.
Cathryn followed his moves and stretched her legs as well. She took a step forward and was about to fall but Bliss reacted in time and caught her.
“Wow careful there,” Bliss said.
“Sorry, my foot is still asleep,” Cathryn, said as she stared into his icy blue eyes.
When the two of them noticed they were in that position a couple of seconds too long, they quickly stepped away from each other. Can you say awkward? Cathryn grabbed her jacket before they started to walk out the door.
About fifteen minutes of walking, they entered Jacob’s Diner. This diner may have a lame title but its in fact one of the popular restaurants in town. This is where Cathryn and Bliss work on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-10pm. A waitress that was on her shift, who was passing by them, greeted them. They walked towards the kitchen, and through the door that said ‘Employees Only.’
“Ah Bliss! Cathryn! Just in time,” a man, who looked like he was in his late 40’s, walked up to them.
He was wearing a chef’s uniform, with a mushroom top-looking hat that you see a lot on T.V.
“Hey Jacob,” Bliss greeted casually as he was fixing his bow of his waiter uniform once more.
“Hello Mr. Quistad,” Cathryn replied as she hung her jacket on a hook to the side of the large kitchen.
“I hear that you two will be getting back to school soon?” Jacob Quistad, owner of the diner, walked over.
“Yeah in about three weeks,” Bliss replied.
“But we’ll still be working here on our usual shifts,” Cathryn added.
“Ah yes, good to hear. That’s what I was wondering about. Start working when it’s 7:00,” Jacob walked away and started to finish off what he was cooking earlier.
Fire blasts appeared every now and then over the stoves, making it look like the food would burn but would appear perfectly fine. There were at least six or seven other workers cooking and running around the kitchen.
“Come on, let’s hurry and eat,” Bliss grabbed her arm before they left the kitchen and walked over to a two-person table.
The waitress that walked by earlier came up to them.
“Hey Beth,” Cathryn said as she skimmed through the menu
“Hello Cathryn…hey Bliss,” Beth answered, ending with a flirty greeting towards Bliss.
“Aloha! Hmm okay I’ll take the Jumbo Deluxe Burger and Coke,” Bliss gave his menu to Beth.
“And I’ll take the Caesar Salad, and water. Thanks,” Cathryn said and gave her menu to Beth too.
“All right cool, I’ll be right back,” Beth left with two menus in her left hand and her notepad in her right with her pen behind her ear.
When she walked through the kitchen doors, Cathryn turned her head towards Bliss.
“Could you not tell that Beth has the hots for you?” Cathryn asked.
“Really? I didn’t notice,” Bliss answered, skimming the area.
“You must be blind then…so anyways, what do you think junior year will be like?” Cathryn laid in the back of her comfy seat.
“Same ole’, same ole’. Becca is probably going to cause all the drama, with her little followers,” Bliss said.
“Probably…I don’t get it. Taryn is smart, why would she lower herself down to…their level?”
“No idea what so ever,”
“Bet you 10 bucks she’ll cling to you the second she sees you,”
“Oh I’m not going against that…”
“You know she’s been after you since like middle school,”
“I know…the girl just doesn’t know that ‘no’ means ‘no!’ Ooh, sweet the food is here!” Bliss straightened himself and saw Beth carrying a circular tray with our two dishes and two drinks.
“Here’s your burger and coke Bliss, and your salad and water Cathryn,” Beth said and walked away.
“Dig in!”
Bliss stuffed as much of his burger into his mouth as possible while Cathryn took small bites of her salad. They talked more about how they think the school year would turn out.
“Ya know, we haven’t hung out with Matty lately,” Cathryn mentioned.
“I thought she was still at camp,” Bliss mumbled with food in his mouth.
“Nope, I saw her dancing in her room just today before I took my shower,” Cathryn said before finishing up her salad.
“Well lets all hang tomorrow then. Pool?” Bliss suggested.
“We went swimming today Bliss,” Cathryn pointed out.
“What’s on?”
“Uuuh no idea. We’ll check the newspaper when we get home,” Bliss said and finished off his coke.
They finished off their dinner, and because of their deal earlier, Cathryn paid for their dinner that night. The two of them walked over to the kitchen and Cathryn ended up hitting something instead of the empty space on the other side of the flippy door. She almost fell backwards but the person she bumped into caught her wrist.
“Are you always this clumsy?”
Inches Away - Chapter One
Sixteen-year-old Cathryn Johnson was about 55feet high on the diving board. Her light brown hair blew against her as a small breeze decided to drop by. She shivered as it hit her light tan skin while droplets of water fell down her body when she got out of the pool just a minute ago. Cathryn sees a boy with black hair with a nice light tan basically isolated from the other people who were swimming around the rectangle-shaped pool.
“Hurry it up will ya?” The boy called out from the pool, 55feet below her.
Cathryn looked down at the deep end before walking over to the edge of the diving board. She took a deep breath, and started to make the board bounce up and down. She jumped once before she was in mid-air. Cathryn made a complete flip before hitting the water. Her skin tingled from the sudden coldness of the blue-colored liquid surrounding her. A couple of seconds of being underwater, she finally reached the surface of the water and came up for fresh air.
Cathryn wiped her face from her drenched hair and from water. She looked around before she spotted the isolated boy not too far away from, waving at her to come over. She swam over to him as he raised his arm above the water. Cathryn noticed and finished the other half of a high-five.
“Nice flip back there,” he gave her a smile that showed his perfect white, and straight teeth.
“Why thank you Bliss. Now why don’t you go up there,” Cathryn said.
“All right I will. But if I can do more than one flip, you’re paying for tonight’s dinner,” Bliss grinned as he started to swim to the side of the pool.
“Okay fine, deal. But you can’t pick out a fancy dish!” she yelled back.
Cathryn watched as seventeen-year-old Bliss lift his fit body out of the side of the pool. A huge amount of water splashed onto the cement ground as he left a trail of wet footprints and random droplets behind him.
Little children were heard on the other side of the pool where it was shallow. Moms and Dads were in the pool with the water at their waist area as they held their kids above the surface. On the side, some children were located next to their towels with their parents putting on layers of sunscreen so they wouldn’t get burned. Floaters were attached to their arms and around their waist. Cathryn giggled as she spots one of the kids getting huge amount of sunscreen plastered all over his body. From far away, you’d think he was a solid ghost…or a male version of Snow White…whichever is easier for you to imagine.
There was a single lifeguard in the shade from a tree on the other side of the fence that was bordering the YMCA. The guy looked like he was in his early twenties, with his shades on with a whistle around his neck. Now and then he’d stretch his arms and check out the time, adjusting the floaty across his lap. Probably wondering how much longer he had to deal with watching people swim.
Cathryn looked up as she saw Bliss stepping on the last step before he reached the very top. He scanned the pool and saw Cathryn and waved. Cathryn waved back in response.
“Come on Bliss! Show me what you got!” Cathryn yelled out as she moved her arms and legs in a circular motion; keeping at least her head out of the water.
Bliss took a couple more deep breaths, and he too started to make the diving board bounce up and down. He bounced once. Twice. Bliss was finally in mid-air. One flip. Two flips. Splash.
“Crap…” Cathryn muttered.
About half minute Bliss was swimming next to Cathryn.
“You’re paying for dinner,” Bliss gave her another grin.
“Yeah, yeah…” Cathryn said before she splashed him in the face and swam for the side of the pool where the ladder was hidden underwater.
Cathryn lifted herself up the ladder wearing a black, soaked Hawaiian bikini with black shorts over the bottom of her bikini, pressed against her skin. She turns around and sees Bliss with his six pac, drenched with a large amount of water splashing down from his Buzz Lightyears trunks. Bliss’ short, black and [now] flat hair looked even blacker [somehow] when it’s damp. It was pressed against his forehead, covering parts of his left eye, dripping with water down his cheeks… His piercing ice blue eyes bore into her own green eyes. Cathryn noticed that Bliss was three inches taller, causing him to be 5’9. They lay down on their backs as they put on their shades to cover their eyes from the blazing sun; resting.
Why, you may ask, that they aren’t at a beach instead? Well maybe that’s because they live in good ole’ Tennessee. No ocean view, but at least they had the YMCA and swimming pools at random people’s houses.
It was almost the end of the summer. School would be starting in just about three weeks or so. This year Cathryn and Bliss would be juniors at McKay High School.
They rested on their towels for a few more minutes before deciding that they should head back home. Cathryn grabbed her bag and placed her shirt and shades in there while just putting on her jean shorts. Bliss just grabbed his towel before following Cathryn, exiting the YMCA.
The two best friends walked side by side on the sidewalk as the sun beamed on them constantly. They soon entered a nice looking neighborhood. A neighborhood where everyone knew each other like the back of their hand. Like family. The two of them walked into a white-peach color, one-story house.
Noticed they didn’t go their separate ways? Well maybe that’s because Cathryn and Bliss live together, under the same roof since freshman year.
Cathryn and Bliss were childhood friends, and still are even after ten years. They met at the typical sandbox at the typical park a block or so away. They knew at that moment they were going to get along just fine, and be friends for a very long time. You could call them what others would usually say: “bff.” Although Cathryn never bothered, even now, why Bliss received the name ‘Bliss.’ She was always curious about the story behind it all. At first she thought it was an odd name, but soon thought it was a cool name, and soon moved that to the back of her mind.
Their parents trusted one another with their own lives and were best friends with one another. So continuously they’d have each other baby-sit the two when they were younger; that is until ten years ago when it all come about. Ten years ago, when Cathryn and Bliss were six and seven, both of Cathryn’s parents and Bliss’ mother died in a car crash from a storm when they went to visit a college friend. It was hailing really hard, but by the time they saw the car on the other side of the road heading towards them…it was too late. Bliss’ father was sick that weekend, plus someone had to watch the kids. When Sam, Bliss’ father, found out it was up to him to take care of the two and that was when Cathryn moved in with Bliss and Sam.
Just two years ago, when the two grown to teens and were entering high school, Sam died from cancer. But before he died, he muttered his last sentence to his crying son, who was standing by his deathbed. “Take care of Cathryn for all of us,” Sam said with his last breath.
Why not live with relatives? The only relatives Bliss has are his grandparents in Florida. The only problem is the two can’t afford another person to live in their apartment. Cathryn’s mother was in only child, and her father only had one sister. Cathryn’s aunt lives out in California with her husband and two kids. The thing is her aunt wants nothing to do with her. Why? Probably because Emily [most of the time known as Emma], Cathryn’s mother, got pregnant in college. Hey, at least Emma didn’t get pregnant in high school. Of course it was with Jake, Cathryn’s father. But at least her aunt would send money every two to three or so months. So you see, Bliss and Cathryn only have each other for support.
“I’m going to go take a bath,” Cathryn spoke before she started to walk down a hallway.
“I’ll be in the kitchen,” Bliss said and walked down the hallway ahead of him.
“Figures…” she mumbled.
“What?” Bliss poked his head out of the fridge.
“Nothing!” Cathryn spoke and walked away quickly.
Cathryn walks towards a room at the end of the hallway and enters a blue and green colored room.
Two walls across from each other were green, and the other two across from one another were blue. All four walls had at least two posters and a few framed pictures of family and friends. There was a normal-size bed on the furthest side against the wall from the door. No computers were in the room, but there was a single window on one side of the room. Cathryn peaked out and noticed the neighbor next door was in her room dancing with her iPod in her hand.
That would be Matty Thomas, Cathryn and Bliss’ best friend since fourth grade. She could see Matty’s red-like, short hair falling up and down from her bobbing head. Cathryn smiled before grabbing her outfit, and walked out towards the hallway once more. After walking down another hallway, and passed the living room with a laid-back Bliss, she entered the only bathroom in the house.
Cathryn started to undress herself as the bathtub started to fill up with cool water. Bubbles were forming on top. Ah a bubble bath. She put her hair up in a high bun before slowly sliding in. She sighed and relaxed while she could before the chaos comes back.
This is what their swimsuits looked like:
“Hurry it up will ya?” The boy called out from the pool, 55feet below her.
Cathryn looked down at the deep end before walking over to the edge of the diving board. She took a deep breath, and started to make the board bounce up and down. She jumped once before she was in mid-air. Cathryn made a complete flip before hitting the water. Her skin tingled from the sudden coldness of the blue-colored liquid surrounding her. A couple of seconds of being underwater, she finally reached the surface of the water and came up for fresh air.
Cathryn wiped her face from her drenched hair and from water. She looked around before she spotted the isolated boy not too far away from, waving at her to come over. She swam over to him as he raised his arm above the water. Cathryn noticed and finished the other half of a high-five.
“Nice flip back there,” he gave her a smile that showed his perfect white, and straight teeth.
“Why thank you Bliss. Now why don’t you go up there,” Cathryn said.
“All right I will. But if I can do more than one flip, you’re paying for tonight’s dinner,” Bliss grinned as he started to swim to the side of the pool.
“Okay fine, deal. But you can’t pick out a fancy dish!” she yelled back.
Cathryn watched as seventeen-year-old Bliss lift his fit body out of the side of the pool. A huge amount of water splashed onto the cement ground as he left a trail of wet footprints and random droplets behind him.
Little children were heard on the other side of the pool where it was shallow. Moms and Dads were in the pool with the water at their waist area as they held their kids above the surface. On the side, some children were located next to their towels with their parents putting on layers of sunscreen so they wouldn’t get burned. Floaters were attached to their arms and around their waist. Cathryn giggled as she spots one of the kids getting huge amount of sunscreen plastered all over his body. From far away, you’d think he was a solid ghost…or a male version of Snow White…whichever is easier for you to imagine.
There was a single lifeguard in the shade from a tree on the other side of the fence that was bordering the YMCA. The guy looked like he was in his early twenties, with his shades on with a whistle around his neck. Now and then he’d stretch his arms and check out the time, adjusting the floaty across his lap. Probably wondering how much longer he had to deal with watching people swim.
Cathryn looked up as she saw Bliss stepping on the last step before he reached the very top. He scanned the pool and saw Cathryn and waved. Cathryn waved back in response.
“Come on Bliss! Show me what you got!” Cathryn yelled out as she moved her arms and legs in a circular motion; keeping at least her head out of the water.
Bliss took a couple more deep breaths, and he too started to make the diving board bounce up and down. He bounced once. Twice. Bliss was finally in mid-air. One flip. Two flips. Splash.
“Crap…” Cathryn muttered.
About half minute Bliss was swimming next to Cathryn.
“You’re paying for dinner,” Bliss gave her another grin.
“Yeah, yeah…” Cathryn said before she splashed him in the face and swam for the side of the pool where the ladder was hidden underwater.
Cathryn lifted herself up the ladder wearing a black, soaked Hawaiian bikini with black shorts over the bottom of her bikini, pressed against her skin. She turns around and sees Bliss with his six pac, drenched with a large amount of water splashing down from his Buzz Lightyears trunks. Bliss’ short, black and [now] flat hair looked even blacker [somehow] when it’s damp. It was pressed against his forehead, covering parts of his left eye, dripping with water down his cheeks… His piercing ice blue eyes bore into her own green eyes. Cathryn noticed that Bliss was three inches taller, causing him to be 5’9. They lay down on their backs as they put on their shades to cover their eyes from the blazing sun; resting.
Why, you may ask, that they aren’t at a beach instead? Well maybe that’s because they live in good ole’ Tennessee. No ocean view, but at least they had the YMCA and swimming pools at random people’s houses.
It was almost the end of the summer. School would be starting in just about three weeks or so. This year Cathryn and Bliss would be juniors at McKay High School.
They rested on their towels for a few more minutes before deciding that they should head back home. Cathryn grabbed her bag and placed her shirt and shades in there while just putting on her jean shorts. Bliss just grabbed his towel before following Cathryn, exiting the YMCA.
The two best friends walked side by side on the sidewalk as the sun beamed on them constantly. They soon entered a nice looking neighborhood. A neighborhood where everyone knew each other like the back of their hand. Like family. The two of them walked into a white-peach color, one-story house.
Noticed they didn’t go their separate ways? Well maybe that’s because Cathryn and Bliss live together, under the same roof since freshman year.
Cathryn and Bliss were childhood friends, and still are even after ten years. They met at the typical sandbox at the typical park a block or so away. They knew at that moment they were going to get along just fine, and be friends for a very long time. You could call them what others would usually say: “bff.” Although Cathryn never bothered, even now, why Bliss received the name ‘Bliss.’ She was always curious about the story behind it all. At first she thought it was an odd name, but soon thought it was a cool name, and soon moved that to the back of her mind.
Their parents trusted one another with their own lives and were best friends with one another. So continuously they’d have each other baby-sit the two when they were younger; that is until ten years ago when it all come about. Ten years ago, when Cathryn and Bliss were six and seven, both of Cathryn’s parents and Bliss’ mother died in a car crash from a storm when they went to visit a college friend. It was hailing really hard, but by the time they saw the car on the other side of the road heading towards them…it was too late. Bliss’ father was sick that weekend, plus someone had to watch the kids. When Sam, Bliss’ father, found out it was up to him to take care of the two and that was when Cathryn moved in with Bliss and Sam.
Just two years ago, when the two grown to teens and were entering high school, Sam died from cancer. But before he died, he muttered his last sentence to his crying son, who was standing by his deathbed. “Take care of Cathryn for all of us,” Sam said with his last breath.
Why not live with relatives? The only relatives Bliss has are his grandparents in Florida. The only problem is the two can’t afford another person to live in their apartment. Cathryn’s mother was in only child, and her father only had one sister. Cathryn’s aunt lives out in California with her husband and two kids. The thing is her aunt wants nothing to do with her. Why? Probably because Emily [most of the time known as Emma], Cathryn’s mother, got pregnant in college. Hey, at least Emma didn’t get pregnant in high school. Of course it was with Jake, Cathryn’s father. But at least her aunt would send money every two to three or so months. So you see, Bliss and Cathryn only have each other for support.
“I’m going to go take a bath,” Cathryn spoke before she started to walk down a hallway.
“I’ll be in the kitchen,” Bliss said and walked down the hallway ahead of him.
“Figures…” she mumbled.
“What?” Bliss poked his head out of the fridge.
“Nothing!” Cathryn spoke and walked away quickly.
Cathryn walks towards a room at the end of the hallway and enters a blue and green colored room.
Two walls across from each other were green, and the other two across from one another were blue. All four walls had at least two posters and a few framed pictures of family and friends. There was a normal-size bed on the furthest side against the wall from the door. No computers were in the room, but there was a single window on one side of the room. Cathryn peaked out and noticed the neighbor next door was in her room dancing with her iPod in her hand.
That would be Matty Thomas, Cathryn and Bliss’ best friend since fourth grade. She could see Matty’s red-like, short hair falling up and down from her bobbing head. Cathryn smiled before grabbing her outfit, and walked out towards the hallway once more. After walking down another hallway, and passed the living room with a laid-back Bliss, she entered the only bathroom in the house.
Cathryn started to undress herself as the bathtub started to fill up with cool water. Bubbles were forming on top. Ah a bubble bath. She put her hair up in a high bun before slowly sliding in. She sighed and relaxed while she could before the chaos comes back.
This is what their swimsuits looked like:
Inches Away - Preface
by Swashbucklin_Brenda
All Characters:
-Attend McKay High School
- All Juniors
Main Girl: Cathryn Johnson – 16 going on 17
Looks: Light brown hair, 5'6, kind of tan, green eyes, fit
Personality: weird, funny, kind. You'll have a laugh with me.
Main Girl's friend:
Matty Thomas – 16 going on 17 [early]
Looks: Short, bright-ish red hair. 5'8, Pale skin. Brown/green eyes. Athletic-ish
Personality: Loud, Daring, Outgoing, Fun/funny, friendly when wants to be
Popular/Mean Girl:Becca Michaelson – 17
Looks: short sandy blond hair with blonder highlights, blue/green eyes, small nose, fair skin about 5'9
Personality: funny, sarcastic, outgoing, creative, a quick thinker,
Popular Girl's followers (3):
-Rebecca Steiner – 17
Looks: blonde hair, brown eyes, high cheekbones 5'6, bit pale
Personality: Bubbly, sarcastic, patriotic, sociable, ditzy and stubborn really.
-Taryn Armstrong – 16 going on 17
Looks: Medium length, curly brown hair, dark blue eyes, freckles, 5'8", petite, athletic body, and tan skin.
Personality: Outgoing, sarcastic, smart, witty, i love sports, down-to-earth, easy going, funny, adventurous, not scared easily, and i could spend all day outside.
-Lisa Cole – 16 going on 17
Looks: dirty blonde hair, just past shoulders. big green/gray eyes, normal body
Personality: random sense of humor, laugh a lot, loves music, very spiritual, tend to not discuss feelings, like to be social
All Characters:
-Attend McKay High School
- All Juniors
Main Girl: Cathryn Johnson – 16 going on 17
Looks: Light brown hair, 5'6, kind of tan, green eyes, fit
Personality: weird, funny, kind. You'll have a laugh with me.
Main Girl's friend:
Matty Thomas – 16 going on 17 [early]
Looks: Short, bright-ish red hair. 5'8, Pale skin. Brown/green eyes. Athletic-ish
Personality: Loud, Daring, Outgoing, Fun/funny, friendly when wants to be
Popular/Mean Girl:Becca Michaelson – 17
Looks: short sandy blond hair with blonder highlights, blue/green eyes, small nose, fair skin about 5'9
Personality: funny, sarcastic, outgoing, creative, a quick thinker,
Popular Girl's followers (3):
-Rebecca Steiner – 17
Looks: blonde hair, brown eyes, high cheekbones 5'6, bit pale
Personality: Bubbly, sarcastic, patriotic, sociable, ditzy and stubborn really.
-Taryn Armstrong – 16 going on 17
Looks: Medium length, curly brown hair, dark blue eyes, freckles, 5'8", petite, athletic body, and tan skin.
Personality: Outgoing, sarcastic, smart, witty, i love sports, down-to-earth, easy going, funny, adventurous, not scared easily, and i could spend all day outside.
-Lisa Cole – 16 going on 17
Looks: dirty blonde hair, just past shoulders. big green/gray eyes, normal body
Personality: random sense of humor, laugh a lot, loves music, very spiritual, tend to not discuss feelings, like to be social
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