Friday, July 17, 2009

Inches Away - Chapter Eleven

It was only the first day of school and Cathryn already couldn’t wait till the last day of school. Great…just another two years, including this school year, to go until she graduates out of high school. She had no idea why preppy girls even talk about waiting till high school to meet “hot” guys. News flash people, there aren’t a lot of hot guys here at McKay High! There are, but not many. Most are jocks and are taken by the cheerleading squad and other whores from different cliques. People just got to get the idea that the guys in high school are most likely to be the same guys from their previous schools: middle school, elementary school, and maybe even preschool!

The first day was pretty much like the last two years. The same old speech from teachers to wanting to get to know us all and learn our names. Until it was brunch time Cathryn exited second period with Blake, colliding with the already-crowded hallway.
“Gosh, why are hallways always so crowded?” Cathryn complained as they shoved their ways to their lockers.
“You know how freshmen are, they huddle in groups because they don’t want to get lost or get picked on by the upper and all that jazz,” Blake said before grabbing Cathryn’s hand, “just so that we won’t get separated.”

Cathryn’s heartbeat increased when she looked down at their hands clasped to one another. Her cheek colors changed a bit pink as she let some of her light brown hair fall down and cover her face. They soon reached their lockers and were able to dump most of the heavy loads off their backs.
“Cathryn!” Matty’s voice could be heard from the other side of the hallway.

She stuck her head out of her locker as she saw a redhead making its way towards her. Cathryn saw Bliss with her and waved. Bliss’ expression lightened and responded back with a smile.
Even without her knowing, she makes Bliss’ day so bright. He averted his eyes a bit towards the left and saw Blake staring at her like he was in a daze. His green eyes bore into the side of Cathryn’s face as the two waited for Matty and Bliss to walk over. Bliss couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous. The words “stop looking at her like that,” kept echoing throughout his mind. He shook his head as he stopped in front of his own locker.
“How were your first two classes?” Cathryn asked as she emptied out her backpack.
“BORING! ‘I want to get to know each and everyone of you’ speech gets irritating real easily,” Matty spoke as she started unwinding the combination to her locker next door.

The day went by even slower in Cathryn's point of view. It was like the man upstairs was purposely slowing the second hand after each 'tick' and 'tock' it made.
It was finally the last ten minutes of class for her and the gang. Yep for once they had a class where it was all three of them together. Blake however was in the next room beside them suffering alone.
"This is going so slow, is he trying to talk slow on purpose? I can't tell," Bliss complained as Dr. T was explaining more Trig problems, even on the first day.
“Beats me,” Matty sighed with her head on her hand, having her elbow on her desk.
“He’s talking slow…never mind I lied…okay that was a lie too, I think he’s talking slow on purpose,” Cathryn gave up.

During one of Dr. T’s explanation, the bell interrupted him with more than half the class out the door.
“Homework tonight will be problems from 1-28 on page 359, students!” Dr. T yelled out before the entire class was gone.

Five bucks says that barely half of the class actually heard it, and about one fourth will actually do it. They all packed their items and visited their lockers once more before heading home. It was rather difficult since many people kept walking back, hitting each other with their shoulders or backpacks. Cathryn closed her locker and locked it before turning to her right. Shifting her notebook and textbook to her other arm, she peered into Bliss’ locker. Pictures of himself with herself and Matty were hung up on one side, the opposite side had some pictures of his painting artwork, and the other side contained a few magnets here and there with movie tickets clipped into them.
Cathryn smiled as she spotted a Toys Story movie ticket. It was the first time the trio got to go to the movies at night, but they still had a parent to accompany them. She remembered how excited they were, and how the night breeze felt. She giggled to herself when Matty asked her mom, who was the one that took them, why a boy was squishing a girl between himself and a wall with their arms wrapped around one another. Her mom didn’t know how to reply except to cover our innocent eyes and push us towards the snack area.
Bliss closed his locker, blocking the site to the movie ticket and turned around to see Cathryn standing there. His eyebrows rose in a “what’s up?” way. Cathryn smiled and shook her head saying “nothing.” She walked over to the left side of her locker to see Matty placing her last un-used notebook inside.

Cathryn peeked in and saw one similar to Bliss’. She saw a photo of them three all muddy with smiling expressions with peace-sign poses. In the background was Cathryn’s old house, before she moved into Bliss’ next door, with downstairs lights on. It was a rainy afternoon and the trio decided to create “mud pies” together. With each of their other hands, they held their mud pies. Matty’s hand held the biggest one, Cathryn’s looked like it was about to slide apart, while Bliss’ was more tall than wide. Before the camera got ruined, Cathryn’s dad quickly took the picture and ushered them all inside before any of them caught a cold.

The common noise of a slamming locker door occurred and snapped Cathryn back from the past to reality once more. She jumped and accidentally knocked into Bliss, who startled her even more, not knowing he was standing so close behind her. Everything went by in a flash; Cathryn felt herself trip on her own feet, loosening her grip on her textbook and notebooks. More sounds of books hitting the floor came seconds later, and Cathryn felt two arms wrap around her arm and waist, but one extra hand was holding on to her extended right arm’s wrist.
She didn’t notice until now that she had closed her eyes, waiting for the impact. When Cathryn realized nothing had happened she opened her eyes to see her in the oddest position. She was completely leaning on Bliss who had been holding her, and to see another hand, belonging to the one and only…Blake. He had a surprised look as he was in a stepping forward position. Cathryn behind her and had to tilt her head up to see Bliss’ face completely red. She could feel the beating motion against Bliss’ chest; almost matching her own fast-beating heart.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” Cathryn quickly stood up and backed away from Bliss a few feet.
“Are you ok Cathryn?” Blake asked as he slowly drew back his arm and adjusts his messenger bag.
“Y-yeah fine. Bliss just scared me a bit. Heh…” Cathryn scrunched down and picked up her dropped items as Bliss did the same for his.

“Being a klutz as always eh Cat?” Lisa spoke as Becca gave Cathryn a snicker while walking by.

Cathryn stuck her tongue out at them as she stood back up once more with her notebook and textbook. How dare Lisa call her “Cat!” That was the one nickname she hated the most out of all nicknames people came up with for ‘Cathryn.’ Sure, she can deal with ‘Cathy’ or even ‘Cath’ but she just can’t stand ‘Cat.’ It always came with a meow sound in the end.
“Real mature there,” Cathryn spun around and saw Matty smirking at her.
Cathryn put one of her hands to her hip and leaned onto one foot, and stuck out her tongue at her best friend as well in response. Blake let out a small laugh before they all started to head towards the cafeteria.

Taking their time, the gang walked down the hallway that was slowly thinning out. Most students have already headed out to the basketball courts, the fields for football, or the cafeteria where all tables were probably taken. The lunch line wasn’t too long as Cathryn reached the end of the line first.

By the time it was time for everyone to head back home, Cathryn’s backpack increased by…a lot. Textbooks and packets filled with forms were stuffed into her backpacks. Notebooks that were filled with important notes from classes were taken home, and yet to be used were forgotten in the locker overnight.
It was a Tuesday night as the second day of school passed the day. Cathryn was in the kitchen of the diner. Trays were placed across a metal shelf right above the stoves, where the cooks and assistants would put the dishes. Pans were spread across the separate stoves around the kitchen. Rags lay in the most random sections. Everything was set for the opening. Bliss and Cathryn waited in the front for the familiar ring of a clock on the far end of the diner. 7:00pm. The clock sounded like a doorbell as it kept on ringing. With a sigh, Bliss walked to the front and flipped the sign from Closed to Open, unlocking the door for their customers.
Knowing that more people won’t come till later, the two didn’t rush going from the front to the kitchen and back to the front to see if anyone had come. Back in the kitchen, the chiefs were heating up their pans as they turned on the gas to set the fire. Assistants were filling up the sink, ready to wash any dishes to re-use once more. A familiar alarm activated, giving them a sign that a customer had finally come.

Cathryn peeked through the kitchen doors and noticed that Bliss was already guiding a couple on a date to their table. She was glad to know that she had more time before she had to get out there. Cathryn quickly walked over to another room that had lockers for the staff members. She opened the cold metal door and spotted a few binders sticking out of her bag. Taking it out, she grabbed a pencil and started on the one of the million other homework assignments her teacher handed over to them to work on tonight, expecting it to be finished by tomorrow.
After finishing more than half of her essay for English, she placed everything back. Checking the clock in the locker room, 7:43pm. Crap, there were probably a lot of customers now. Fast-walking out of the room, quickly hit by the different cooking smells, Cathryn grabbed a notepad with a pen laid on it and walked out of the swinging double doors. To her surprise, there wasn’t too many, but a nice decent amount of customers. Bliss and Beth, who shouldn’t come by till later, was pacing around the room.
“Hey Cathryn, where have you been?” Beth walked by her with a tray of fresh cooked meals.
“In the back, sorry about that,” Cathryn responded as she guided a new group of customers to a large table to fit the number of people.

Giving them menus, taking their orders for drinks and walking away to give them time to think, Cathryn ended up walking with Beth back into the kitchen.
“I thought you had a later shift,”
“I need the extra cash to pay the rent,” Beth spoke with a sigh.
“Ah time of the month? Well if you need any help—”
“What? No way. Its fine, you and Bliss helped me enough last month. Which by the way, I swear I will pay you two back as soon as I can,” Beth said as she gathered a few cups to fill up with ice.
“All right, if you’re sure…” Cathryn said as she too started to copy Beth’s actions.

Half their shift went by and Cathryn was leaning against the wall outside, staring at the stars on her break. Bliss soon joined her a couple of minutes after, dressed up now in his assistant uniform.
“It’s a good thing tonight isn’t so busy huh?” Cathryn broke the silence as she moved her hands on top of each other moving them behind her and leaning on them.
“Yeah, hey you busy this Saturday?” Bliss spoke casually but kept fidgeting and kept shifting from one foot to the other.
“Nothing is coming up. Yeah that day seems free, why you ask?” Her pair of green eyes moved from the stars above to Bliss’ pair of icy blue eyes.
“I was—I um. Er a uh…” Bliss’ attempted was interrupted with a sigh, “There’s a…a new movie coming out. Was wondering if you wanted t-to go with m-me.”

The stuttering didn’t even bring any notice to Cathryn. She just figured it was getting cold to Bliss that he was stuttering.
Bliss was nervous at first because Cathryn had paused to look back up at the stars. He didn’t know what she would say to his suggestion of going to the movies. In spite of the fact that they were best friends. Bliss wasn’t even sure when the right time to even ask Cathryn to the movies was. He saw the two of them alone a chance and he took it. Waiting for Cathryn’s reply, he shifted his body weight a lot, and in his pockets his fingers became sweaty while curling in and out. Finally, relief hit him when he heard the word “sure” come out of her mouth. Seeing that smile come from her face was a beautiful scene in his eyes. But before the two knew it, their break had ended and it was time to head back in.

Bliss headed back to his station in the kitchen while Cathryn walked further until she reached the swinging double doors. The bell near the door made a ding noise, indicating more customers had arrived. Cathryn looked up and saw a group of girls from school. The group of girls from school…that hate her uberly. The group of girls from school that hate her uberly much that they would do almost anything to make Cathryn’s high school experience a living hell. Even if it means screwing up her life outside of school as well.

“Hey Diner girl.”

Inches Away - Chapter Ten

“…But I don't care what they say
I'm in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don't know the truth
My heart's crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I…”

Cathryn’s radio/clock, which Blake had recently gotten for her since he noticed that she didn’t have one, turned on from the set up alarmed. Dazed she sat up and looked over at the clock, wondering why she was waking up so dang early, “Crap! School starts today!” Cathryn jumped out of bed and was about to walk out to take a shower but froze. She walked backwards and peered over at the digital clock, hoping that she was mistaken. “CRAP! School starts in an hour!” Perfect way to start off the new school year huh? Cathryn has been rushing all morning long, trying to keep up with Bliss, who has already finished off his waffles and cup of milk, while she still has to make her breakfast. Cathryn ran in and out of rooms, trying to keep up as he started to walk out the door.

“Wait up will you?” Cathryn muffled voice cried out from behind Bliss.

He swung his backpack from shoulder to the other, turning around to see her with a poptart in her mouth, her hair in a messy bun, and with her light jacket half on.
“And where is your backpack?” Bliss raised his eyebrows as Cathryn’s eyes widened with a curse word flying out of her mouth. She ran back into the house, and came back with her messenger bag.

“First day of school and you’re already going to make us late, new record,” Bliss commented as they stroll pass Matty’s house, who is probably waiting by their lockers while staring at her watch.
“Shut up, I forgot to set my alarm clock earlier than usual,” Cathryn swallowed down her poptart as they continued to fast walk.

The two soon started running as Bliss’ watch beeped, indicating that they only had ten minutes until school was going to start. Out of randomness, a faint sound appeared. Cathryn carefully listened for it until she realized that it was getting louder. A radio. Then there was a honk, and a expensive new-looking silver Ford mustang convertible stopped right by us (
“Oh no,” Cathryn muttered.
“Oh yes,” the blonde spoiled driver said.
“Ha…that’s what she said,” Bliss whispered.
“Wow you loser!” Cathryn smacked his arm and laughed.
“Hey, don’t touch my man!” Becca sat up from her seat with a finger pointing at Cathryn.
“You’re man?” Cathryn and Bliss asked at the same time.
“And since when did I get an unknown girlfriend?” Bliss asked.
“Since now I guess…” Cathryn answered, “Pointing is rude you know.”
Becca huffed and puffed….and sat back down onto her leather seat.
“Come on Bliss, you can get in the car with us,” Rebecca said from the passenger seat.
“Uh no that’s okay,”
“Go on Bliss, the least I can do is get you to be there on time…for once,” Cathryn whispered.
“I rather be late than be with them though,” Bliss shivered.
“Come on Bliss, school is about to start,” Lisa urged him.
“That’s all right, I’ll walk with Cathryn,” Bliss spoke before we continued to run once more, but Becca kept pace with us with a simple step on the pedal.

For a short time, they urged to only have Bliss get in the car with them to school. But every time they asked, he declined. Cathryn couldn’t tolerate it any longer.
“Look! He doesn’t ride with you guys all right?! So why don’t you piece of plastics drive along?” Cathryn yelled.
“Hey! You can’t talk to us like that,” Taryn said.
“I can and did,” Cathryn folded her arms since they were at a complete stop, and about half a block away from the school, “come on Bliss.”

The two started walking before Becca’s car kept in pace with us once more.
“You can’t call us piece of plastics either! Do you know who you’re dealing with?” Lisa yelled.
“Uh…” Cathryn paused and leaned towards Bliss, “hey is she Dopey or Grumpy? I totally forgot.”
“We can hear you, you know,” Rebecca spoke.
“Ah Rebecca is definitely Grumpy,” Cathryn smiled.
“Hey! You can’t call us those dwarfs,”
“Apparently I already did, and you know what I got no time for this. Let’s go Bliss,” Cathryn grabbed his wrist and they started to run the rest of the block towards the school.

There was a long honking noise behind them. Cathryn looked behind her and saw Becca driving next to them once more.
“I thought I told you to not touch my man!” Becca said with venom, too bad for her that looks can’t kill.
“Oh my gosh you’re right! Wait…which man were you talking about? Just how many do you have?” Cathryn put her index finger on her chin, as she looked up at the sky, “ooh right, you have so many I lost count. Whatever then I suppose you don’t like this either?”

The girls in the mustang gasped as they saw Cathryn walk behind Bliss and jump onto his back while wrapping her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist, and placing her head beside his. Their cheeks were touching, and Bliss’ backpack was now barely hanging onto his one shoulder since she caught him totally off guard.
Although, as Cathryn was messing with Becca, she could have sworn that she felt Bliss’ face get hot. Her head scooted away a bit and looked at him with a confused look.
“Bliss? Are you okay? You feel a bit hot. You don’t have a fever do you?” Cathryn took one of her hands and placed it on her forehead, then on his.
“No no I don’t I uh, I’m err ack…fine! I’m fine, c-come on,” Bliss set Cathryn back onto the ground and grabbed her wrist as they rushed the rest of their way to school.

From a distance they could hear some colorful words and a few honks from behind. Just as the two reached their lockers the first bell rung. Matty’s was in between their lockers, so they saw her standing there with some textbooks in her hands.
“Where the hell have you two been?! The first bell already rung,” Matty complained.
“Someone woke up late,” Bliss said as he rushed through his locker to grab everything he needed.
“Well someone’s ‘girlfriend’ kept us even longer,” Cathryn spoke as she turned the lock, but discovered that it wouldn’t open, “stupid flippin’ lock!”
“Wow! You got a girlfriend now?! Why didn’t you tell me?” Matty turned towards Bliss.
“I don’t have one! It’s Becca, she’s pretending to be my girlfriend…again,” Bliss closed his locker just when Cathryn opened hers.
“Hey you two go ahead of me, I’ll meet you in class,” Cathryn said as she piled everything into her locker.
“All right then. See you in a bit,” Bliss and Matty blended with the crowd of students.

Cathryn’s locker was filled with pictures of the group of three, and a few had them with pictures of Blake as well. She grabbed everything she needed for the first few classes and slammed her locker shut, only to find Blake on the other side of the locker door. Cathryn screamed before she dropped her textbooks and notebooks.
“Um…ow? Well hi to you too,” Blake rubbed his ears as he helped Cathryn gather her books.
“Well sorry but you’re the one who just popped out of nowhere,” Cathryn said.
“Point there, so where’s Matty…and Bliss?”
“Oh, I told them to go ahead without me. My lock was being stupid,”
“Ah I see, well just wanted to say hi. I’ll see you next period,” Blake handed her a notebook before waving goodbye as he walked the opposite direction of her.

Cathryn hurried to her first class, and when she did the late bell rung. Just in the nick of time. She spotted Becca with her bright colored clothes in the middle of the classroom. However she saw a redhead girl waving her arms over to come to the back of the room. Cathryn saw Matty, and next to her was Bliss. There was just one empty seat next to him, and that’s where Cathryn took her place. The three of them had always sat in the back of the classroom regardless what class it was.

Cathryn spotted the message on the white board. She smirked before seeing a bald head behind the computer screen, paying no attention to what is going around the room. Cathryn turned her position in her seat towards Matty and Bliss.
“So what do you guys want to do?” Cathryn asked.
“No idea…first day of school and I think I’m already going to start doodling in my notebook,” Matty sighed.
“I don’t get why we always have to go through the introductions. I mean, we already all know each other from our previous years,” Bliss complained.
“Yeah but some teachers are new, and besides…this just means we wont have homework for the first few days,” Cathryn sighed.

For the first hour and a half in the first class on the first day of school, the three of them talked like it was just like any other summer day. Although she kept on feeling like there was someone watching her. She looked at her friends and saw that they were already talking to one another. Cathryn looked around the classroom as she toned out Matty’s voice. She spotted blue and green eyes burning holes into her skin. Becca. Her menacing eyes were penetrating right through Cathryn it seemed. You could tell that Cathryn started on the wrong foot once more with Becca. Sure at first she wanted to fix things between the two. After sophomore year, Cathryn gave up and created a natural enemy to the high school world. As Becca continued to stare her down with evil eyes, Cathryn stuck her tongue out at her like a little kid and turned around to face her two friends.
“And then BAM! Mike dropped it and blamed it all on me. Gosh that irritating little—” Matty stopped as a shadow appeared behind her.
Blake and Cathryn looked up to see the teacher with his arms folded. He cleared his throat and Matty slowly turned around in her seat.
“wonderfully behaved little angel…” Matty faked a smile as the bald teacher walked away to scan other groups, “annoying piece of crap of a brother!”

Blake and Cathryn laughed it off and continued their chat. But instead, Cathryn decided to keep on zoning out while pretending to listen. Her head was searching through her summer memories. If you’re curious about what happened with the second round of the competition, then don’t worry any longer.

When Monday finally rolled around the corner, Cathryn was more prepared this time. She arrived at the very same building she was at last week. Entering the elevator, she clicked the button ‘5.’ Her head bobbed up and down as she continued listening and rehearsing her song with the earpieces that was connected to the iPod in her messenger bag.
Soon enough, she was in the hallway and found room 307. Cathryn scanned the room to find about 100 other girls who had also passed the first round. Willow Ruken, Jim Patterson and Austin Gwaush all came out of a set of double doors. Everyone stopped what they were doing and all faced them.
“Thank you all for coming, and congratulations on making to the second round ladies,” Austin Gwaush spoke.
“It’s finally 10:30 and we will begin the second round. You will be called in by last name, alphabetically,” Willow Ruken said.

Jim Patterson just stood there, scanning the room as the other judges explained how the second round would go. When his eyes landed on Cathryn, he made his first emotional expression. A smile was there. He gave her a nod before the three went back into the room.
After about 45minutes of waiting, the judges finally reached last names starting with J. Her head moved up as she heard her name called by Mr. Gwaush. She scanned the room, seeing about half the room empty, before entering the room.
“Hello Ms. Johnson, please state what song you will be singing,” Willow said.
“You may begin whenever you are ready,” Jim crossed his arms and leaned back into his rolly chair.
“Thanks again for letting me into the second round. Okay…I’ll be singing Five Minutes to Midnight by Boys like Girls,” Cathryn spoke as she breathed in and out deeply to calm her nerves.

“Brown eyes and lungs are filled up with smoke
Fast lives are stuck in the undertow
But you know the places I wanna go….”

The three judges listened to Cathryn intently. For the words, the pitch, the timing, and her performance overall. Cathryn kept her mind clear, and only for the lyrics run through her head. She made sure she hit those pitches just right.

“Turn it up
It's five minutes to midnight
You're coming home with me tonight
I can't get enough
Shakin' me up
Turn it up
Alright, at five minutes to midnight
You see our name in city lights
We'll make the clock stop
Make your heart drop and come alive…”

Oh no, she was starting to rush a bit. Cathryn needed to calm down. Halfway through the song she slowed her pace slightly to match how the song would truly be when actually sung. In the end of the song, she slowly let her voice die out. She looked upon the three judges as they sat at their rolly chairs, taking notes of her audition just now.
“You truly have a gift there Ms. Johnson,” Austin was the first to speak as he looked up from his papers.
“Agreed, I say we let her enter the third round,” Willow spoke with a smile, causing some wrinkles around her mouth to slightly disappear.
“Well since you already got two out of three of us to say yes, there’s no point if I say no,” Jim crossed his arms and leaned back into his chair once more, “but it wasn’t like I intended on saying ‘no’ in the first place.”
*End of Flasback*

It was like that episode in American Idol, where there were two groups in different rooms. One room was going home, and the other made it through. At first Cathryn was freaked out, regardless what the judges had told her during her audition, when the judges told them about the two rooms. But of course, she was in the group that made it to the next round. A celebration was held that night at home with a confused Matty, even more puzzled Bliss, along with a suspicious Blake who asked her in private if this had anything to do with the time she saw her at that building.

Cathryn came back to reality as the first bell had rung. Yes, one class down…and more to come…ah poop. In each class her mind switched from the fact that she had made it to the third round in the competition, and the night at Matty’s from spin the bottle. Still, Cathryn hadn’t told Matty about the “sparks” she had with Blake and Bliss. She felt like this is something that no one can know about. But deep down, she knew that if she didn’t do something about this, it would get out of hand. Her conscious just hoped it wouldn’t be any time soon.

Inches Away - Chapter Nine

Cathryn got out of bed, placing her feet onto the carpet floor that covered the floor until you reach the bathroom or her door. She sighed, thinking about that crazy dream of hers. What was with those two kisses? How Blake’s tone was towards Bliss, how they both had something important to say to her that couldn’t wait. And what the heck was chasing her in the first place?
She wondered how at the beginning of the month the four of them were laughing with one another, enjoying their summer time on July 4th, watching the fireworks go when night came. And now…all there is are mostly just awkward moments. Now all she wanted was everything to go back to normal again. Like the spin-the-bottle accident never happened in the first place.

Cathryn walked out of her room, still in her shorts and tank top, and knocked on Bliss’ door. She heard a grunt from inside and walked in. Her eyes scanned the room and saw a lot of clothes sprawled all over the place. Her green eyes landed on asleep Bliss with a leg hanging off the bed and his pillow on top of his head. She created a muffled laugh as her hands instinctively covered her mouth. Slowly, she crept over clothes, around random objects, and finally got to the still-sleeping Bliss who soon started to snore. She peered at the digital watch on his wrist—10:32am. Hm not bad for someone who has been waking up practically noon time lately.
Cathryn let out a sigh before she started to walk out of the room. Suddenly an idea clicked in her mind. A grin came across her face as she ran out the room and towards the kitchen. She searched the kitchen and found a nice bowl and filled it up with warm water. Walking back quietly to Bliss’ room, she slowly grabbed onto Bliss’ already-hanging-off-the-bed arm and dipped it into the bowl of warm water.

Cathryn leaned against the nightstand on the left side of his bed as she waited for the signal. After about two minutes had passed Bliss stirred. She stood up and saw it on the light, single blanket that was covering the bottom half of his body. A wet spot. Cathryn tried her hardest not burst out laughing so she quickly let the room and into her own room. She leaped and landed near her pillow and laughed into it. Her head lifted up for her lungs to receive new air as she tried to calm down. Click. An idea came into her brain as she grabbed the camera and ran back into Bliss’ room. Click. A flash came and Bliss stirred once more. She removed his arm out of the bowl and dumped the water on Bliss’ head.

“Whoa shyt!” Bliss jolted up and fell onto the floor, landing near Cathryn’s feet.

What the heck just happened to him? Why the heck is he all wet? Bliss looked up and saw a laughing Cathryn with her hands wrapped around her stomach…holding a bowl that was slowly dripping left over water.

“What the heck?” Bliss’ hair was now flat, and covering his left eye
“Kodak moment!” Cathryn took another picture of Bliss with dripping wet hair, sitting Indian style with a hand scratching his head.
“Why the heck you dump water on me? And why are my boxers....” his voice trailed off as he realized it.

Bliss shot up and grabbed his sheet and wrapped it around his waist. His bare chest was still showing that had water droplet trails flowing down. Cathryn stuck her tongue out playfully and grinned while running out the door. This was something that Cathryn will never let it down.
Hmm, a Wednesday at 10:54am…what is there to watch other than Judge Judy and other Judge shows? Cathryn plopped onto the plain but comfy couch, turned on the T.V and scanned the channels.
“Your Honor, this man—You don’t have the guts—Jerry! Jerr—what are you trying to say T—” Click. Nothing on whatsoever.

Then a ringing filled the used-to-be-silent house. Her cell phone. Cathryn sighed before she walked into the hallway and entered her room. She listened to her ring tone “Hey There Delilah” and found a vibrating and flashing cell phone on her bed. Restricted number.
“Cathryn Johnson?” a woman’s voice was heard from the other side of the line.
Just when she was about to reply back, something hard had tackled her onto her bed.
“Oof! Bliss! Can’t you see I’m on the phone?” Cathryn coughed a bit from the sudden impact.
“Who could be calling you now? Is it Matty? Let me talk to her,” Bliss grabbed the phone right out of her hands.
Cathryn gasped and grabbed the closest thing to her. Her teddy bear.
“No Bliss!” Cathryn smacked him in the face and got her phone back.
“Yes…this…is….she,” Cathryn replied as she whacked Bliss with her pillow with each word.
“Ah, good. This is Willow Ruken, the judge from last week’s audition.”

Of course, the competition. How could she have forgotten all about it? Heh, maybe because of those two blockheads giving her such a hard time about the kisses. Never again will she play that game again! Cathryn instantly stopped hitting Bliss with her pillow and stood there; giving an opening for Bliss.
A squeal came out of her lips as Bliss tickled her.
“Ah no! Bliss stop, this call…is…important!” Cathryn gasped for breath as she attempted to not laugh.
Then Cathryn’s leg accidentally struck upwards from a sudden reflex. A groan came from above her head as she saw Bliss fall onto her. Oof!
“Oh! Right…err I mean hello. So when is the next round?” Cathryn crawled out from under Bliss and poked his cheek, examining him.
“The second round will be at the same building but in room 307, floor 5, at 10:30am on Monday. Be there sharp. You must prepare to sing one full song. Good luck,” Willow said.
“All right, thanks again! Bye.”

Cathryn hung up and tossed her phone onto the bed. She looked further up on her bed and saw a moaning Bliss, crutching his little friend.
“Look I’m sorry I kicked you where the sun doesn’t shine, but you have to know it wasn’t completely my fault!” Cathryn reasoned.
“Ugh….that hurt like a—” ding, dong.
“Whose here?” Cathryn asked.
“Prob…Proba…bly…Matty,” Bliss slowly started to recover as he attempted to sit up.
“Eek, ah sorry! I’ll go get some ice for you while I’m out there.”

The doorbell kept ringing until she had finally opened the door. What was supposed to be Matty turned out to be Blake, the other person Cathryn tried to ignore and stay away from since last Wednesday.
“Cathryn…hey,” Blake greeted.
“Hi. So what’s up?”
“Just wanted to come over and check up on you. Haven’t seen you in a while,” Blake spoke.
“We saw you yesterday though. Diner…night shift…job…ya know?” Cathryn could tell it was already becoming awkward.
“Well yeah I know but, we barely said any word to one another since it was so busy.”

They heard a big groan coming from Cathryn’s room, and she finally remembered.
“Oh right! I have to get Bliss some ice!”
“What’d you do to him this time?” Blake followed her into the kitchen.
“I err…kicked him in the balls by accident,” Cathryn filled up a plastic bag halfway with cold water and the rest with ice and zipped it up while grabbing a rag to wrap around it all.
Blake burst out laughing as he tried to follow her to Bliss.
“How the hell can you accidentally kick him in the nuts?” Cathryn handed Bliss ice as she turned around and put her hands on her hips and leaning mostly on one foot, causing her to look a few inches shorter compared to him.
“Basically, Bliss stole my phone, I got it back, he started tickling me and from some sudden reflexes I kneed him down there,” she looked over at Bliss and back at Blake and added, “Hard.”

Cathryn left her room with a laughing Blake on the floor and almost-unconscious Bliss holding an ice bag on her bed.